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Utility change ideas


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Not sure why I'm bothering posting this, since it's pretty clear the devs aren't reading these forums. But I've had a couple ideas on how the utilities could be changed to make sentinels more viable in pvp. Again, most of these are focused around the amount of cc flying around and the ease of which Sentinels (particularly Watchman) are kited.


1) Combine Jedi Crusader with Jedi Enforcer.


2) Defensive Forms is now baseline for all disciplines.


3) 30% damage reduction while stunned added to Defensive Forms' old spot.


4) Move Incisor to Skillful tier.


5) Add [name] to Masterful tier - Force Leap purges movement impairing effects.


6) Just pursuit now snares the target for 3 seconds. (Removing the 2gcds for the root)


7) Expunging Camouflage now purges all negative effects, but increases cooldown by 15s


8) Fleetfooted now grants movement impairing immunity for it's duration to the caster.


9) Zealous Ward now heals you when taking damage.


Input and feedback would be muchly appreciated.

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