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Healer/DPS LF Progression guild


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As the title says


I am looking for a guild that is currently doing progression HM Ravs/ToS.


I would rather heal or fps but can tank if needed. Send me a message here if interested and I will gladly apply to your guild.


Ive healed HM content since SWTOR came out.

On my merc I am hitting 4.4K parsing.

Shoot me a message if you require more credentials.



Edited by JamesMartinez
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Don't know if you're still looking for a group or not but Resurrection (republic) just recently had an opening for a tank position in our progression group. We're currently 3/10 working on Torque now. We're a small newly formed guild and we raid every Thursday and Saturday at 9p.m. - 12a.m. EST. If you're interested you can apply to the guild or send me an in-game message.



Sykès (è=alt0232)

Sykés (é=alt0233)


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