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Sub vs F2P Percentage


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I am really curious on what the percentage is between subscribers / preferred vs F2P. I would love to be able to run Hard modes without the hour and a half wait ( Or longer ). It feels like more than 80% of the server is F2P. So I am really curious and wish there was a way of taking a survey on how many are F2P and who still subscribes.
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I am really curious on what the percentage is between subscribers / preferred vs F2P. I would love to be able to run Hard modes without the hour and a half wait ( Or longer ). It feels like more than 80% of the server is F2P. So I am really curious and wish there was a way of taking a survey on how many are F2P and who still subscribes.


The wait due to the disproportionate amount of dps/tanks. I queue as healer whenever I can and I still wait about 20 minutes on average. So I don't think it's F2P vs Sub. But rather Tank vs DPS/Heals.

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So basically I am S'O'L? I have only found one guild on our server that has members I have ran with successfully. The rest have been hour and half wait times, with 9 times out 10 being fail before bosses or implosions after boss wipes. Really sucks when i have characters still stuck in 186 gear and no hope of seeing 192 outside of spending large amounts of credits.
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We have lots of members doing HMFP's, but we que as 4 man groups because the challenge level makes picking up a rando in group finder a PITA.

I rarely que for any flashpoint without a full group anymore because the success rate of a pure PUG is so low. That and when I'm on my healer I get sick of Tanks that have no clue what they are doing blaming the healer when they stand in stupid or get the whole group killed because they swung a conal attack around at the worst possible time.


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