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LF Scoundrel Healer/Sage DPS for OPS <Rep>


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<Fit for Duty> Is a republic guild located on Jedi Covenent. We have been around since the game came out. We all took a break during Hutt Cartel and are comming back to start the group back up. We are a close group of friends that have been playing together for years and are looking for people to come join the fun. Past achievements before Hutt Cartel were all done during current content and are as follows: NiM KP/EV, HM Explosive Conflict, HM TFB, and 2/4 NiM Explosive Conflict. All content was full cleared unless noted otherwise.


Ops Size: 8 Man

Ops Days: Tues, Wed, Thurs

Ops Times: 8pm EST - 11pm EST

Classes/Roles Needed: Sage DPS, Sentinel


We need people that can make the times/days above and that are really wishing to push into end-game content and aslong as you can listen we can help you strive to accomplish great things.


For more information contact Youlose in game. I will be happy to answer any and all questions you may have and I am also our GM/Ops Leader. You can reach me between 5pm EST and 11pm EST any day. Hope to hear from you.

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