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A Bad Joke


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Not everyone likes to complain as much as you apparently


But we all should be complain. At least the Merc / Mando community that likes to PVP. Looking at the leaderboards we have 4 people in the top 100. That is a poor showing to say the least and is a direct result of our lack of survivability in initial focus in PVP.


It is hard to get on the leaderboards at all when all you do is get stunned locked and killed and likely won't contribute anything to the fight other than a quick death.

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Do you know how dead these forums are?


So dead that yesterday afternoon I made on comment in these forums and in the last 24 hours ithat thread has moved all of two spaces down the list.


That is truly sad.


I thinks it's not that people don't have anything to say, it's that its all been said before ad nauseam w/o any recognition from our overlords. If BW, the people we complain, comment or suggest to, never responds most don't see the point in continuing to post.

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