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Guild Problems


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Seems it's hard these days to find a guild here on the Imperial side that's:


1. Active.

2. Active for low level players and high level players.

3. Doesn't rely on TS for communication when it's not required.

4. Offers PVE & PVP without one heavily out weighing the other as far as organization of the guild goes.

5. Has guild events to generate some sort of camaraderie.

6. Has an active guild website that people actually use (Which, idc, i think they're unnecessary, but so many throw their websites in your faces then do nothing on them.)

7. Has a sense of humor.

8. Isn't trying to force you to do things you're not interested in doing. My 15 bucks, I do what I want.


I have my own guild, but went away for a couple years. I joined a guild to avoid having the job of running one. If I had the credits to provide everything to members that they deserve these days out of a guild I would just reroll my own guild.

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Seems it's hard these days to find a guild here on the Imperial side that's:


1. Active.

2. Active for low level players and high level players.

3. Doesn't rely on TS for communication when it's not required.

4. Offers PVE & PVP without one heavily out weighing the other as far as organization of the guild goes.

5. Has guild events to generate some sort of camaraderie.

6. Has an active guild website that people actually use (Which, idc, i think they're unnecessary, but so many throw their websites in your faces then do nothing on them.)

7. Has a sense of humor.

8. Isn't trying to force you to do things you're not interested in doing. My 15 bucks, I do what I want.


I have my own guild, but went away for a couple years. I joined a guild to avoid having the job of running one. If I had the credits to provide everything to members that they deserve these days out of a guild I would just reroll my own guild.


Ok, cool.

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Seems it's hard these days to find a guild here on the Imperial side that's:


1. Active.

2. Active for low level players and high level players.

3. Doesn't rely on TS for communication when it's not required.

4. Offers PVE & PVP without one heavily out weighing the other as far as organization of the guild goes.

5. Has guild events to generate some sort of camaraderie.

6. Has an active guild website that people actually use (Which, idc, i think they're unnecessary, but so many throw their websites in your faces then do nothing on them.)

7. Has a sense of humor.

8. Isn't trying to force you to do things you're not interested in doing. My 15 bucks, I do what I want.


I have my own guild, but went away for a couple years. I joined a guild to avoid having the job of running one. If I had the credits to provide everything to members that they deserve these days out of a guild I would just reroll my own guild.


May I suggest looking at Pax Pax Imperius, We have an active lowbie to 60 community.


The only thing that would be a negative is that we do use Teamspeak a lot to communicate but that's to enhance our pvp and pve enjoyment.


The website is also extremely active about upcoming raids and events. Yes we have guild events.

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The Order of Shadow Knights is also fairly active and always open to low and high level players. You can peruse our Guild Website at shadowknightsswtor.enjin.com. We do use RaidCall, but this is so new to us that many of ys type in the Guild Chat window while also being on RaidCall. We are just starting to organize some raiding and have several "altaholics" that would be happy to assist you in any way we can. We also several crafters that are happy to help. I hope you find a guild that you are happy with above all, and if that is not us I hold no ill will. You can also check the show notes for episode 138 of Corellian Run Radio (http://www.corellianrun.com) for information on how to join.
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Seems it's hard these days to find a guild here on the Imperial side that's:


1. Active.

2. Active for low level players and high level players.

3. Doesn't rely on TS for communication when it's not required.

4. Offers PVE & PVP without one heavily out weighing the other as far as organization of the guild goes.

5. Has guild events to generate some sort of camaraderie.

6. Has an active guild website that people actually use (Which, idc, i think they're unnecessary, but so many throw their websites in your faces then do nothing on them.)

7. Has a sense of humor.

8. Isn't trying to force you to do things you're not interested in doing. My 15 bucks, I do what I want.


I have my own guild, but went away for a couple years. I joined a guild to avoid having the job of running one. If I had the credits to provide everything to members that they deserve these days out of a guild I would just reroll my own guild.


It's difficult finding people to guild with, and have fun with nowadays compared to the old days. One thing I notice is nowadays people are pushy in guilds. If you don't do as they do (pve an ops, or get in TS even if you are just doing pvp in regs, etc.), suddenly they chastise you with either lack of communication or they are rude in general.


I was in one guild that was great. People were carefree, friendly and actually didn't mind typing sentences in chat for communication. This guild fell apart quickly though after a month and a half or so. That left me dismayed. I hope you find what you are looking for.


I can suggest trying another server also. I began a healing operative on Harbinger and so far it's decent. Fast pvp queue pops, and the people have been decent. Also higher quality pvp matches.


I hate saying that, because it sounds like I am feeding into the whole "TEH is a RP server so they suck at PVP", which I am not. I just think a lot of the pvpers left and went to other servers and right now, PVP is slow on TEH.


Also on a side note, pub side on Harbinger is very healthy they are equal maybe even better in PVP matches. So far that's been my experience as an imp. :)

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Well, the guild I'm in now is proving to be okay for now. They're nice.


I think maybe the BF and I are just too picky to be with any other guild than our own.


We invited a few friends we used to game with back and we're talking about resurrecting our guild "Doctrine of Terror".


If you're ever looking for a care free guild that plans on doing a little of everything, no stress, hit me up in game or here :)

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