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Chapter 3 start failure


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I have finished Queesh and was spoken to by Servant one one the planet.

Now I have to use my Holoimeter to speak with him again aboard my ship. " I click on it and nothing happens."


What does happen is thus :

Video cut screen with the image of Servant 1 with a glitch. My social bar in the top left with the chat box.


What I have done to try and correct this:

Let it sit for 5 minutes ( thought it was lag )


Logged out and back into game.

shut down game and rebooted it.

Restarted computer TWICE!


I have sent in a claim ticket for in game issues but I have yet to get a reply GOING ON DAY 3 OF THIS!!


I really need help!

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That's a strange bug. For any quest, the easiest way to fix it is to reset the quest. To do that, exit your spaceship and the hangar (so that you are no longer in a phase) then open the quest window and reset your class quest. You may need to redo something but that will fix most quest bugs.


If you get the same bug after resetting, you'll need to enter a in-game ticket. It is important that you pick the "Character / Companion" category so that it gets sent to the correct team.

Include as much information as possible: your character name, your server name, the name of the quest you are having trouble with and what you wrote in this thread.

Customer Service will be able to forcibly fix the quest for you, though you may need to send more than one ticket to get a helpful representative. :)


It's possible that Customer Service cannot help you and tell that this is connected to a bug with this game. In that case, please update this thread with the following information:

  • Which class you are playing
  • Which level you are
  • The exact name of the quest that is bugged, and what the quest tells you to do
  • What you did at the beginning of the quest to get to this part
  • If possible, create a screenshot or record a video of the bug

That way, we can test if we can reproduce this bug and identify what's wrong with it. It may take a few weeks to get it fixed, but then you'll be able to play your class again.

Edited by Jerba
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I have the same problem with the Chapter 3 ending [The Dark Council] for my Sith Inquisitor. When I go to Darth Thanaton's office and click on the intercom to start the cut-scene, the scene starts, goes for a few seconds and then freezes. I tried resetting the instance, and resetting the quest, but neither of them worked. I submitted an in-game ticket as a bug, and I haven't gotten anything (it's been about 3 weeks). I will try one using the Character/Companion heading, but if that doesn't work, I'm not sure what I should do.
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I submitted an in-game ticket as a bug, and I haven't gotten anything (it's been about 3 weeks). I will try one using the Character/Companion heading, but if that doesn't work, I'm not sure what I should do.

Well, when you submit a ticket under the bug category, this will get sent to QA, so they look at the bug, try to reproduce it and put it into their bug tracker under a certain priority and severity. If the bug is important enough, you'll find it mentioned in the patch notes a few weeks later, but if they could not reproduce it or it is not important enough, you just get a standard answer and no fix.

This has nothing to do with bad customer service, it is just how game development works and because you used the wrong category.


If you want to have an immediate fix for your character so you can continue on with your class story, you need to use a category like "Character / Companion", then they will look up your character and try to see what is wrong. The Customer Service has the ability to move your character someplace else, to fix your quests or to give you items. In fact, it is SWTOR's policy that they will help subscribers with their class quests (but class quests only, not planetary side quests) so that when you have a problem and cannot progress, they will fix it for you.

Like I mentioned, it unfortunately also comes down to which representative you get and how much work he puts in fixing the problem. However, most of the time players complain about Customer Service it's just because they used the wrong category.

Unfortunately, the category is not very noticeable on the bug report window which is why most players miss it, and there is no explanation of what the category does, which is why most players don't think it matters which category they choose.

Edited by Jerba
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Oh, I have no problem with the Customer Service Department, my experiences have been very pleasant and helpful. Also, thank you for your advice on what I can do to try and make sure the ticket goes to the correct department, I wouldn't have thought to see it in that light. Thank you, it is appreciated :)
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Oh, I have no problem with the Customer Service Department, my experiences have been very pleasant and helpful. Also, thank you for your advice on what I can do to try and make sure the ticket goes to the correct department, I wouldn't have thought to see it in that light. Thank you, it is appreciated :)

That's great to hear, let's hope Customer Service will be able to help you with this. :)

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Oh, I have no problem with the Customer Service Department, my experiences have been very pleasant and helpful. Also, thank you for your advice on what I can do to try and make sure the ticket goes to the correct department, I wouldn't have thought to see it in that light. Thank you, it is appreciated :)

I found a lot of threads about this bug, dating back as far as December 2011. Apparently, it was fixed with 1.0.1 but it must have come back recently.

This really is a general issue, it's sad they haven't fixed it yet. :(

As far as I can see, before you enter Thanaton's office, the quest tells you to travel to Dromund Kaas. Did you really travel there with your spaceship, or did you use stronghold or fleet transport? The quest may bug if you travel there the wrong way.



I have reset the mission and went threw the mumbo jumbo and got betrayed.

went to my ship and I still have the same issue.

I have put it to calm tickets for help.

Since you have a different bug than AvidevOneSix, can you please tell me the name of the quest that is bugged?

You can always try changing your graphics settings (from high to low or vice versa), maybe one of the 3D models in a certain quality is bugged and won't load, and try repairing the game in the launcher.

Edited by Jerba
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I traveled there using my starship. I think that I will try resetting the mission again today or whenever I get a chance to see if I can squeak it through on a fluke :p

I'm also waiting on CS to see what they can/can't do. I sent an email to support, and got an answer, but the auto reply had to do with transferring guild leadership...:confused:, so I sent a new one with a different title to see what happens. I hope to hear something soon. If it ends up working I will come back here and let you guys know.

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My graphics are set to low, always has been.

Mission title ( Deceleration of War )


2 tickets sent in and no response.

Alright, looks to be a bug as well. :(

Torhead link: Declaration of War

Another thread with the same problem: Sith Warrior Mission: Declaration of War - Use your ship's holocom

And one more thread: Can't advance past 'Declaration of War' in sith warrior class quest line

I'm afraid that this needs to be fixed by the developers, there's nothing I can help you with it. :(

In the mean time, you can try turning off Bitraider. You'll need to redownload the whole game but it may fix this issue, not sure.

Edited by Jerba
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Bugs like this often happen because the game expects you to have travelled through a certain set of checkpoints and are messed up by missing those checkpoints due to using strongholds or other forms of quick travel.


I would try:


* Go back to fleet.

* Reset the mission while on the fleet, not in your ship.

* Fly back to Quesh in your ship.

* Go down to Quesh and do the mission.

* Return to your ship via the orbital station (don't use the "your ship" option on the Quesh shuttle.)


And see if that helps at all.

Edited by Tenzarin
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So, on my Inquisitor, I went to the fleet, reset the mission, went to Korriban, completed that part of the mission, proceeded to fly to Dromund Kaas on my ship, took the speeder to The Citadel, entered Thanaton's office and...... no change, game still freezes...:(


I don't know what else to do, I've put in several tickets over the past few weeks, and have heard nothing. I really want to finish my Inquisitor, but as of right now, he will just be sitting there until I decide to try again and hope that the issue has been fixed (hopefully soon).

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Just wanted to update, Customer Service contacted me and let me know that they were able to deal with the problem and advance the mission for me! I logged in and, lo and behold! there is my Inquisitor with the quest completed! Thank you CS, I know it took a little while, but at least my issue was resolved!:D
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