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Where is the support for fan sites? Gone it is!


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Some time ago (or perhaps a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away), fan sites received some great support from the SWTOR developers. We had constant contact with the community representative, usually via emails, and we also had a dedicated Twitter account which I believe was called SWTORFanSites. The latter has diminished completely, and so has contact with the SWTOR team.


There are two posts stickied in this sub-forum from Hillary Nicole, one of which calls out to fan sites. I have sent her a message, but to no avail. I've not had a reply, and I've been told that fan sites and guilds are no longer her portfolio. If that's the case, those stickied posts need to go.


I'd like to know where the support for fan sites has gone off to, and who the community contact is. If it's Eric, he needs to start responding to emails.


If any other fan site owners are having the same issue, please let me know. I'm intrigued as to whether it's just us, or if others have been left out in the cold as well.


Hillary no longer works for Bioware. I would recommend emailing Tait Watson or Eric Musco instead.

Edited by theITfactor
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