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Returning pub player from PoT5; what's your server like?


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I'm a bit dissatisfied with the server population for Pubs on PoT5. I do not remember the population being this low a year ago when I last played.


Just a few simple questions for any on this server who can help me:


What is Jedi Covenant like?

What is the PvP like (wait times, Pub vs. Sith dominance, etc.)??

What is the community like and what are the guilds like?

What is the consistency of GF queues?


I'm a big fan of tight knit communities who aren't too large, but who do organized raids and progression. My favorite guilds have been those which struck the perfect balance between casual and serious, knowing when to game and when to have fun, and never taking themselves too seriously.

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Hello! This is a very friendly server and has a good balance between pub and imp side. There are various level of raiding guilds across our server on both sides. I couldn't tell you the que times for pvp, because I don't personally pvp much. However, Hellbent could be the type of raiding guild you are seeking. We enjoy the game in all aspects, pve, pvp, gsf and have topped the leader boards in conquest. We are social, active and the majority of us are altaholics. We have 7-8 eight man Op teams and we put together alot of impromtu let's do something Ops. We are not hardcore, but are doing fairly well in our HM progression teams. We are 3/5 in both Ravagers and TOS.


Best way to reach us is through our application process where we will reply to your app with our TS info so we can chat and see what you want out of the game vs. what we have to offer to you as a guild. Hopefully we can chat sometime in the near future.

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Hey MasterADub, JC is a pretty active server and PvP queue times are not bad at all for regular warzones. As for ranked, it's basically limited to queuing in evenings. Group finder is probably going to be like any other server where unless you are a Tank or Healer expect to wait a bit for a group but being in a guild helps with that. There are a handful of mega-guilds on both factions and a bunch of medium to small sized guilds. If you are looking for a tighter knit medium sized guild on the Republic side our guild Grievance may be a fit for you. We are a mature, 18+, family-friendly, Founder guild/community and have people on daily. There are a number of us always interested in running dailies, Flashpoints, PvP, the occasional Galactic Star Fighter and just hanging out in Teamspeak. Our Operations nights are Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday but we do not have strict attendance requirements so we do not run with fixed raiding teams since we understand people do have lives outside of SWTOR :). We are still running the new 8-man and 16-man Storymode Operations to gear people up, we have started chipping at the Hardmodes, and have cleared the Hardmode Dread Operations. Also, we have a Guild Flagship and even conquered Balmorra if you are interested in conquests :w_cool:


If you would like more information you can PM me and/or visit our guild community web-site www.grievancegaming.org to find out more info, read our charter, register and apply. Good luck and have fun!

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