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Utility Tree Requests


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I think the Utility Tree concept is great. I think it's implementation took more away from Mercenaries than it gave to other advanced classes and I'd like to see some changes.


Gyroscopic Alignment Jets: Minor quibble, just needs renaming to Gyroscopic Alignment Vents.

Improved Vents: lower the cooldown instead of venting 15 more?

Power Barrier: Damage reduction is free with other DPS specs. Can we have 10% for the effort? Do I hear 8% for four stacks? It's -not- free and I -do- need to cast immobile interuptable skills to get it working...

Jet Escape: rename to Afterburners, see below. Can we have a speed buff on Jet Boost instead of Afterburners?

Afterburners: Rocket Punch should be Powertech only, a Merc has her hands full!

Custom Enviro Suit: Seemed like a good choice before the off-heals were stripped.

Boresights: aka "Boring Fights". 0cd aoes constant single button spamming ruins the game. DFA cdr please.


Torque Boosters: It would be so nice if we just had a tiny 25% speed buff to go with it...

Suit Foreign Object Excisor: I like the idea, just doesn't seem to help. Cleanse Force/Mind instead? 50%?

Protective Field: Would be a pretty decent skill pre-3.0, but now the dps specs have terrible healing...

Pyro Shield: I never tried it.

Heat Dampening: Less heat spent on emergency skills sounds good, but I don't know anyone who uses it.

Infrared Sensors: Stealth Scan? Is that like Sweeping Gunfire but without the damage?


Energy Rebounder: Has a class ever been so dependant on one utility?

Jet Rebounder: I'd love to see Jet Rebounder as a Masterful skill. 30% damage? no. 30% more slow? yes!

Kolto Jets: Why is a sorc getting this for Skillful and it's on my Heroic list? It could be so handy! **

Thrill Of The Hunt: Pretty much Arsenal only and very much essential too. Shouldn't it be on the Discipline Path?

Stabilized Armour: I remember seeing this and thinking "maybe I won't be the primary target anymore?"

Super Charged Reserves: How about we reduce the cooldowns a lot more and forget Supercharge stacks?

Power Overrides: I remember it was really handy for Arsenal before Priming Shot and before the off-heals got such huge cooldowns.


* Slapping a guy with your pistol is cool, 'a dragon punch with a gun in your hand' is not cool. Stunning a guy in the nuts at point blank range is cool. Rooting a guy who can throw three lightsabers at you and then jump on you isn't cool.


** Also worth noting that since Merc DPS lost Kolto Missile, Sorc dps gained Overcharge heal. I think that a combination of Kolto Jets and Jet Rebounder could make mercs an interesting off-healer again without requesting Kolto Missile. No one is going to want take Kolto Jets and Jet Rebounder because they need to take Thrill of the Hunt and Energy Rebounder.

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