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i just need to know if i transfer 3 55's here and level them here, will i be able to likely HM+ raids at 10:30pm cst tuesday/wed and sm raid during the day noon cst tuesday and thursday. some pugs may some guilds?


Please respond if you know

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HM lvl 55's yes; HM 60s no.


JC isn't at the point yet for pugging more than a handful of sm lvl 60s on fleet successfully. 60 hms are done i guild and rarely ever pug. Let alone, no offence, pulling in a random person that noone knows. 55 HM definitely though.

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As Jojo said there are no pugs for HM60 content gonig on right now...for that matter there are very few SM60 pugs to be had. There are however several decent sized raiding guilds who run the SM60 content and HM55 content on a regular basis. If you choose to transfer servers I'm sure they would be happy to incorporate you into their guild and have you along on their runs.
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