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Seeking QUALITY Imperial PvP'ers. (18 y/o +)


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I appreciate the fact that you've been made uncomfortable by how I'm wiping my feet on the face of your apparent life partner. But shifting into cheerleader mode makes you look needy to him and ridiculous to me. And the simple fact that you have declared him or anyone here a "forum legend" tells any reader all they need to know about you.


Nawwwww m8. I've known Jballa since he pulled me into ASB to raid with him. Loooooooooong time friend.


Not to mention you are new to this server AND ITS forums. So you have no idea what "forum legend" means here, so let me define it for your Pre-k dictionary; Begeren Colony "Forum Legend" - One who posts on Begeren Colony's forum thread for the sheer purpose to troll and cause drama for the entertainment of the community.


Open up your dictionary, go to page 3, and proceed to copy / pasta that definition. 'Cause you will need it waaaay more often here if you are to survive these veterans in this forum zone. Not really uncomfortable just simply awed at the fact that you think you are winning in something you clearly aren't, like Napoleon xD. Also, cheer-leading ain't my dealio, you seem to know more about cheer-leading so that is your area and not mine. Enjoy trying to get into a band kid's head good sir :rolleyes: Enjoy the rest of this thread that you have "dominated" with your "#420yoloblazeitswaggin'skillz. Should I add the 360noscopefgt? or leave it out?



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Nawwwww m8. I've known Jballa since he pulled me into ASB to raid with him. Loooooooooong time friend.


Not to mention you are new to this server AND ITS forums. So you have no idea what "forum legend" means here, so let me define it for your Pre-k dictionary; Begeren Colony "Forum Legend" - One who posts on Begeren Colony's forum thread for the sheer purpose to troll and cause drama for the entertainment of the community.


Open up your dictionary, go to page 3, and proceed to copy / pasta that definition. 'Cause you will need it waaaay more often here if you are to survive these veterans in this forum zone. Not really uncomfortable just simply awed at the fact that you think you are winning in something you clearly aren't, like Napoleon xD. Also, cheer-leading ain't my dealio, you seem to know more about cheer-leading so that is your area and not mine. Enjoy trying to get into a band kid's head good sir :rolleyes: Enjoy the rest of this thread that you have "dominated" with your "#420yoloblazeitswaggin'skillz. Should I add the 360noscopefgt? or leave it out?




Write more novels at me. I like it. --- No. Wrong again... Cheerleader is EXACTLY your "dealio" lol. And when your "partner" resorts to spamming the report key, it most assuredly disqualifies him from any type of "forum legend" status. Those who try and troll don't get their little feelings hurt enough over superior return fire to cry about it to mods lol...Pathetic and predictable. I'm done with you both.. We got two recruits as a result of this thread which was about all we expected / needed anyway. You two have a nice life together.. Don't forget to feed the cats.




Credits: 0

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Write more novels at me. I like it. --- No. Wrong again... Cheerleader is EXACTLY your "dealio" lol. And when your "partner" resorts to spamming the report key, it most assuredly disqualifies him from any type of "forum legend" status. Those who try and troll don't get their little feelings hurt enough over superior return fire to cry about it to mods lol...Pathetic and predictable. I'm done with you both.. We got two recruits as a result of this thread which was about all we expected / needed anyway. You two have a nice life together.. Don't forget to feed the cats.




Credits: 0


I look forward to destroying your face in ranked :D

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Nawwwww m8. I've known Jballa since he pulled me into ASB to raid with him. Loooooooooong time friend.


Not to mention you are new to this server AND ITS forums. So you have no idea what "forum legend" means here, so let me define it for your Pre-k dictionary; Begeren Colony "Forum Legend" - One who posts on Begeren Colony's forum thread for the sheer purpose to troll and cause drama for the entertainment of the community.


Open up your dictionary, go to page 3, and proceed to copy / pasta that definition. 'Cause you will need it waaaay more often here if you are to survive these veterans in this forum zone. Not really uncomfortable just simply awed at the fact that you think you are winning in something you clearly aren't, like Napoleon xD. Also, cheer-leading ain't my dealio, you seem to know more about cheer-leading so that is your area and not mine. Enjoy trying to get into a band kid's head good sir :rolleyes: Enjoy the rest of this thread that you have "dominated" with your "#420yoloblazeitswaggin'skillz. Should I add the 360noscopefgt? or leave it out?




More like #1080noscopefgt lol

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No. Zuzu has lost his touch so our forums are boring now

Zuhara I place the blame directly on you. You sir, are a C#$%, for being

away so long and providing no entertainment


Hey, I take offense to that.


I did a fantastic job of trashing both Orion and Raygon with logic. And both went silent immediately.


It's not my fault that they can't make an actual counter.

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I cry about a novel then write one myself


hey but tbh when are u queueing for ranked so I can get on my elite war hero toons and make u go back to being a regstar.


And lmao where did u get the notion I reported you? Forget to take the meds the nurse gave you today at the ward? We want to keep your delusions to a minimum mister.

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