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Jugg Tank alternate stat distribution question?


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Ok, I've read the mean mitigation thread, I know how the theory crafting says to spread the stats on a Jugg tank with a lot of stacked defense stat, do not refer me there. Thank you.


Now, has anyone tried using the Jugg's ability to get a lot of "bang for buck" out of the shield stat to mitigate with low defense/high shield/high absorb, much like a PT or Sin tank do? What kind of results did you get? What are the drawbacks/advantages, if any? I'm rather curious about this and wonder if it would give a very smooth damage received profile, unlike the typical Jugg spikiness, or if it's just a disaster?


Thanks for all help!


EDIT to add: This is for PVE exclusively, tactical/hard mode flashpoints and SM entry-level raiding.

Edited by Ananael
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A bit of back and forth here about an alternate way of gearing tanks. However, It's not directed specifically at reducing spikiness from what I can tell.


One argument that sticks in my mind against gearing for shield to reduce spikiness, is that it's difficult to know for sure whether a healer would notice the difference between a mean mitigation build and a low spikiness build. I'm not certain if anyone has performed a double blind test, but many jugg tanks from progression guilds do use shield augments.

Edited by Marb
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This is for PVE exclusively, tactical/hard mode flashpoints and SM entry-level raiding.


In those pve modes, you only have 1 healer. Meaning that reducing dtps is probably more worth than reducing spikyness. Reducing spikyness always means increasing one's dtps.


I dont know exactly the dmg profile of the fps but with defstats mainly focussing on defense up to 1400 defense and abt 900-1000 absorb you should do fine.


If you want to test the alternate way of jugg tanking, push shield up to 1600, defense at 904 and absorb at 1000. However you need a certain defstatbudged for making it effective. If you lower than this budget you'll take far more dmg when reducing defense or make shielding less effective when reducing the absorb stat.


Increasing one''s shieldchance instead of defense mean about 2-3% more mitgation. You can do that by swapping defense augments with shieldaugments. More mitgation means less spikyness, however it does not mean lowering one''s dtps because in that case you exchange avoidance with mitgation. Avoidance always is better dtps wise than mitgation, but avoidance also means increased spikyness. If you avoid 3-4 hits in a row and then you get 2-3 full blows you'll feel spikier than avoiding 1-2 hits and shielding 4.


This however is a personal taste which can not really be expressed in formulas. If you want mathematical proven best stats try KBN.


Furthermore most Bosses have F/T+K/E dmg which can not be avoided by defense. Thus in fights who have at least 20% F/T+K/E dmg the going for shield performs better than defense builds dtps wise. I dont know for FPS but in operations that means defense becomes a bad stat for most bosses.


One argument that sticks in my mind against gearing for shield to reduce spikiness, is that it's difficult to know for sure whether a healer would notice the difference between a mean mitigation build and a low spikiness build. I'm not certain if anyone has performed a double blind test, but many jugg tanks from progression guilds do use shield augments.


Starparse generates a graph which shows your dmg income over the duration of the bossfight. That can be used to see how spiky a tank is.

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I know that we can measure spikiness, but is it possible to determine for sure whether a healer can tell the difference, and then be able to reliably attribute that difference to the change in stats?


Ignoring boss damage and tank stat profile mismatches, can we determine whether a reduction in spikiness is perceptible enough to outweigh the increase in DTPS?

Edited by Marb
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