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Sith Warrior Mission: Declaration of War - Use your ship's holocom


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02.19.2015 , 03:57 AM | #1


Character Name: Luvtaspoog

Server: Jedi Covenant

Date Bug was encountered: Febuary 16, 2015

I already submitted a ticked days ago about this but have yet to get any form of a reply from anyone.

I've also updated it twice as to my progress with this problem (Which is no progress at all.)

The problem is when I use the Holocom on my ship the cinematic starts and Servant one's hologram appears....and thats it. Servant One just sits there staring at me and blinking occasionally...

Here is a list of everything I have tried:

- Giving it time, just letting it sit there until I get logged out for inactivity

- restarting SWTOR

- restarting my pc

- the repair tool on the launcher

- reinstalling SWTOR & running the repair tool again

- graphics on the highest settings

- graphics on the lowest settings

- different internet connection


All of the above were things I've tried and have failed, I keep hoping that I'll log in and it'll just work like it has with other cinematics, but it doesnt. I googled the title of the thread and found SEVERAL unresolved threads about the same bug. Is there anyone who can provide a little assistance with this?

Oh and no, trying it on another computer is not an option for me, as I dont have access to another pc at this time, and my pc runs SWTOR just fine, so my system is not the issue.



ive been waiting a couple days with till no success, ive tried spamming the space bar and even turning off bloom and running on low and high graphics.


And u got a reply to an I game ticket telling me to make another one?

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I am having the same issues.

I was told it could only be fixed by developers.


so..In that case someone needs to pull their heads out their asses and get to work.

Im sure I speak for everyone here that has the same problem and is a subscriber I don't spend my hard enough money every month on something that doesn't put out in return!!!

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