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Social Night Tonight!


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Hello everybody!

I will be hosting a Social Night tonight, and everyone pub side is welcome to come.


WHERE: The Scorched Tercio Guild HQ, on Nar Shaddaa. Available through the stronghold terminal on fleet and Nar Shaddaa, and through invite by whispering to Aiara.

WHEN: 2/21/15 @ 6-10pm EST


Some of the things you can find here:


Trivia - Hit the books! We're going to have a Star Wars trivia challenge, including trivia from SWTOR, KOTOR 1 & 2, and the movies. The first prize winner is receiving a new mount.


Raffle - For the entry fee of 40k, you can be entered to win whole Cartel Armor Sets, awesome mounts, and various other cartel items.


Pazaak - This classic Star Wars poker-like game is going to have a fun place at our event. Using the link: http://www.pazaac.org/play , we will have 2 teams, and each player will play with one from the other team, the person with the most wins recieves an armor set.


Vehicle Show - This fun event will be at our Social Night, so bring your best speeders! Let everyone see what you got, and give a short story on how you acquired it.


Cantina RP - For those of you who enjoy RP, this could be a fun time for you! Our event room will be set up like a cantina/casino and roleplay is encouraged throughout the event for those of you who would like to.


Auction - If you like getting rare items, this auction will be for you! Players will bring in their favorite items to auction off, and 40% of proceeds will go to our guild. Contact me in-game to reserve your spot, via mail, on Aiara.


See you all there, and remember to spread the word :)

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