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What Class Next?


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So I've just maxed out my first character, Sith Marauder, was looking for ideas on what to go with next? Like the best storyline, most fun to level, I was thinking about SI because I've always loved the dark side, always choosing dark options haha, just don't know what to go for
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Guess it's SI then! :D and while I have this thread newly posted, I forgot to ask, I'm gearing my now lvl 60 marauder but don't like the basic level 60 gear so I'm going to get it, then get adaptive armor to put the lvl 60 gear into, if you get me, but I'm struggling finding a good look for my marauder, can you get the Darth Marr armor? And what suggestions do you think for scary looking marauder gear? :D
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It depends on what you want from the class: the story (IA is almost always voted to be the best), the gameplay (I find Darkness Assassin very fun), PVP (not my cup of tea, but Juggernaut/Guardian and Assassin/Shadow seem to be widely feared) or endgame utility (Innovative Ordinance Merc and Marksman/Virulence Sniper are doing insane damage at the moment, healers and tanks are always in demand). Being subbed gives you 12 character slots, put them in good use. :D


I forgot to include this in the other thread, but Marr's armor is called Reaver in-game. Open Cartel Market, on up right corner you see "Collections". Click that, and scroll down until you see "Armor". It lists all armors that have been released in Cartel Packs. You can click on the sets to get in-game preview of how the armor would look on your character. Pretty handy when I decide that a toon needs a new look. :D

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IN any Star Wars game I've ever played, ive always tried being a force sensitive character just because, being a fan of the movies and books, ive always loved being a Sith Lord :D :D but I might try IA see how It goes, and ive looked on the Cartel Market and I can't seem to fine the reaver set?
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At first I only thought about only rolling Force sensitive classes, but after seeing a Concealment Operative in a flashpoint I decided that I wanted to roll one. :D Stealth + backstab FTW!


It's in Collections, top right corner of the Cartel Market window. Page 5 in the Armor section.

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Having leveled each of the classes I can say without a doubt my top 2 are Sith Inquisitor and Imperial Agent. If you're a fan of melee then you could do a DPS Imperial Agent as they are melee too. The I.A. story is really what I love about it but there's a lot of fun to be had running around stabbing people too as a Concealment spec DPS :D


If you do ever go pub-side I also really enjoyed the Smuggler story, it has a fun feel to it. I also really enjoy the male voice actor for the smuggler.

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