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<Audacious> is Recruiting!


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Audacious is currently recruiting! Audacious has been around for a long time, we have a stable population, and currently raid on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.. We have raid slots open!




If there are ever openings in them, we look to our bench for replacements before outside recruitment. Two of them are 7/10 and one is 6/10 in HM Rav/ToS.


Group 2 is currently recruiting 1 Ranged DPS (preferably not a sorc on the DPS - though we will not turn down a skilled player.) Interested? Message Sitaih or Sitaniah (or ask for someone from Group 2) in game for an interview and a trial run.


We are currently recruiting for all roles for our bench. Obviously, people who are in the guild and on the bench get first crack at said spots. All roles are encouraged to join - people come and go, and especially with summer coming up soon, there will definitely be room for people to raid.


Bench players are best for players who may not be looking into a raid group now, or permanently, but like to raid and are available as substitutes for when people are sick/on vacation/out, etc. They are also great for newer people who need to learn fights or gear since we have a Bench Raiding Night on Mondays. When spots open up on established teams, these people would be the first people asked to fill an opening. Also, if we get enough people on the bench that want to raid regularly, we will form another raiding team. There are some nice advantages to being on the bench:



  • We will gear people who are on regularly with Bench Nights. Unless one of the groups starts running at 9:30 on a Monday, (at which point we wait to fill them up before we run the alt/bench run) they run on Mondays at 9:00 PM EST.
  • You get DKP if you are available to raid, so you can partake in the DKP System
  • It's a great spot for people who want to raid for, let's say, a few weeks during a vacation, or like to raid but can't make the raid times regularly. When we have enough bench raiders on, we will set up random, not regular raid groups for them.
  • Bench Players who are on regularly get first dibs on any raid team openings
  • If we end up getting another raid group together, you get first chance at the openings




We are also looking to get more people on for basic conquest objectives. This includes crafters, people who enjoy running flashpoints, PvPers, etc. In addition to building a bench, we're looking to build a group of people who may not want to raid, but instead prefer to be able to get a group to run a flashpoint together in guild as opposed to waiting for group finder to pop. We're also looking for people interested in getting together for Conquest Events, such as hunting down and murdering commanders, getting PvP groups together, that type of thing. We generally place now, but we want to start pushing higher on the charts.


Frequently Asked Questions


I'm just starting to get this together, but as I hear more, I'll add them.


Question: What if I am not level 60 yet, but I'm interested in joining the guild now?

Answer: That's fine! We don't mind having people level up in the guild with us. Your rank will be set to Casual until you are ready to raid, at which point you will be listed as a Prospect.


Question: What if I don't want to raid, and I just want to pop on and hang out? Can I still join?

Answer: Yup. That's why we have the Casual rank - so we don't bug you to raid if you don't want to.


Question: Do you have any groups running ranked PvP?

Answer: We have PvPers that want to form a ranked group, but just need to find the right available mix, so we are recruiting for that as well.


Question: What about Speed Runs?

Answer: That's a newer question I get sometimes. We are talking about putting together a speed running team for ops, but right now it's just in the talky talk stage. Hopefully it'll happen in the nearish future.


How to Contact Us


You can contact us in many different ways.


Website: Our website is http://audacious.enjin.com/ There is an Apply Button on the top menu. Click on it and follow the instructions


In Game: You can send an in-game message to either myself (I'm usually on Sitaih or Sitaniah), Dextre, or just whisper anyone on from Audacious and ask if there is an officer or if Dex is online. If we're not on at the time, definitely make sure to send out a message and add Sitaih to your friends list. I'll add you to mine so we can meet up and have a chat in game.

Edited by DPSita
Updating what we're looking for
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Still looking to flesh out a bench. Also, tossing in an update because we are now running four groups instead of three. One of them is just getting started in HM, one is currently at least 5/10, and the other two are at least 7/10..
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We're still recruiting. Currently looking for 1 tank and 2 dps. Sniper preferred. We already have 1 melee so we'll have less priority for melee, but if you're good we'll consider you. Tank should have at least 2 tank classes at 60, Assassin + Powertech preferred.


-Durzo | <Audacious>

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