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Stuck - Unable to stay alive (HELP!)


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I'm completely puzzled on what to do with this game...

I played my Jedi Sentinel up to level 31 a long time ago. I could run into Elite mobs on Alderaan and cut them down no problem. This was a couple of months after the game was initially released.


Now I come back, I have had to relearn all the skills. The same ones no longer do the same thing. The entire game seems to be arse-about-face and horrendously complicated for a returning player. It doesn't help that whenever I log in my skills have been reset and I have to relearn them. What are we on now 3.1?


I spent the morning getting my *** handed to me by Lieutenants, so I went off to try and learn some rotations for the Combat branch. I can't seem to take a Lieutenant if he is not alone. So I change to Watchman and again, I can't seem to do any damage.


I am a subscriber and have orange lvl 29 stuff, with purple mods on them. Shouldn't I be cutting these things down? What am I doing wrong? What has changed since I last played? Has the sentinel been nerfed so much that its now useless?


I'm tempted to start a new character, but I don't want to waste the time I spent on my existing character. But if I can't get out of this rut, what's the point in continuing.


I'm on the Progenitor server and I would love someone to be able to coach me on how to use my character again.



Edited by Vandermens
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Hi, Alderaan is normally where it gets tough. You are also running a new spec really, since you've just returned. I suggest that you return to Tattoine, to do the bonus series. That will level you up a little and help you to remember the spec. Once you are a bit better using your defenses and accumulated enough gear for both yourself and the companion, it will go easier.


Also, Treek is on sale right now (or at least was yesterday) so if all else fails, buy and equip Treek. A healer will make things much easier. You can return to running with Kira later on.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Thanks for that. I forgot completely about the bonus missions. I did the Nah Shadaa bonus missions and with a new rotation under my belt, I took on an Elite lvl 30 Sith Apprentice. I fared well. I did try Treek but he keeps dying every couple of minutes. The healing droid seems to stay alive longer.


I think the key is how to disable and stun the mobs so I can get some heavy hits in. I might have got lucky, but thanks for the reply.


No need to reroll, as the other replier commented.

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