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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Loot Drops from Lvl 60 HM FPs


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I haven't tried them yet, but I don't see why not. But my point was that saying it has to be doable by the average PUG is missing the point. Because your average PUG can't clear anything better than SM without completely overgearing it. If you're paired with bad players that can't do mechanics of course it's going to end badly, but that isn't because of the gear, it's because of the player.


A lot of people claimed that Lost Island could only be done in Rakata+ gear, when it was actually doable in Recruit or Tionese gear, if you could do the mechanics correctly. Even in Rakata gear though most people couldn't clear it, at least not easily.


"I haven't tried them yet" I haven't tried Rishi...but hoo boy, Blood Hunt is no joke. If anyone, I don't care how Mr. BadArse MMO you are, says that the first few times they tried it that it wasn't VERY DIFFICULT, they're lying. Even if you know your MMO basics, and your class basics, even just the 1st boss fight are very difficult.


And yes...it IS HM...I get that. I am not *asking* for nerfs or suggesting anything of the sort, just very understanding of why the OP is frustrated. I personally feel like they kinda overdid the new HM's a bit, and that we will eventually see some of the bosses nerfed a bit like they did with Bulo, but we shall see.


I will fully agree with the loot drops bit though...I think what you get from HM FP's in terms of loot drops is insultingly bad for the amount of work that goes into completing them.

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