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[Harbinger] Belsavis makes NPCs flip out?


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With the recent 2xp weekend I got 3 alts up to Belsavis and I'm noticing some serious 'delay' on this planet. My FPS is just fine.


The most noticeable side effect of visiting this planet, my companions usually lose their marbles. Like they start to forget which way is forward and run back to an earlier point, having serious difficulty just following me. Almost like I have a bad connection to the server, but my ping is fine. They'll stand still for 10-20 seconds before deciding to attack or heal during combat.


I have traveled to other planets on the same day, done other quests, the companions work fine. Something about Belsavis just makes them flip their lids. It also affects enemies on the planet. I fought a Sith Tyrant, and after starting the fight, I walked just out of range of his attacks. He stood there facing me and did nothing while my bleeds just wore him down. He couldn't tell where I was.


Logging out and back in *can* fix this for the immediate zone I'm in. The next area transition breaks NPCs ability to see me once more.


I read in general chat another player discussing their Treek doing nothing during fights on Belsavis, Is anyone else on Harbinger seeing stuff like this on Belsavis? What about on other servers?

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This is still happening, it is literally unplayable. it doesn't matter what time I try to get through Belsavis content.


At the time I started this thread, I was taking screenshots:



I set Kira as my focus target, rather than use the companion 'gump'. So here she is set as focus target and actively clicked. If you've ever used focus target, it puts a unique target circle beneath your focus target's feet, different to your regular target.


Can you tell where Kira is standing?


I just now logged back in:


Here I am backtracking away from Kira...



Oh hey there's some turrets. Kira hasn't moved. The left turret closest to me, is targeting her.



We made short work of him! Thanks for your help Kira.



I'm paying for this?

Edited by PorkdishSWOR
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