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Crazy Idea Compendium - What Devs shall not read^^


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Ranters and none Main Sents get lost, this club is only for those who main their Sents even after the latest nerfs were anounced. I will try to collect some things from other Threads. I will give every Note a Letter and a Number if we have mainly agreed on something I will put Categories for the Changes a you will see


This Stuff shall be discussed I don´t want everything to be in there in the patch, but as there are many ways to combat a problem there should be a compendium for the Devs to look at. Even so I believe they won´t look and everyone will misunderstand me to want all these changes. While discussing refer to sperate Issues seperately and ignore every other issue. Aka when talking about the one formal issues, think of the others not to be part of the whole concept. Aka It shall be collecting ideas for each issue. I don´t want to achieve "perfect" patchnotes all agree on, just ideas. So believe me I will contain every random idea you throw in this thread into the right "Category", just tell me what you want to adress. Therefore the Code.


I have not yet finished collecting stuff, so feel free to post stuff below I will integrate it no mater how ridicule it is. Before PTS Forums go to **** I mean^^


Number code stuff

F = Formal issue

V = Variant of that issues Patchnotes


Seems complicated:-P



Yellow: Devs .....no I don´t think they will appear^^

Red: Contested

Blue: Most have agreed


First Formal Issue : Weak Defensive Cool Downs or dying to fast

Remains Contested as a whole has been deamed important by the drunken Thread OP


F1 V1


Baseline / Utilites

- Guarded by the force Duration has been increased to 10s

- Defensive Forms has become a baseline passive for all Sentinels

- "Sent love Rabitts two" has been added as a new Skillfull tier utility. It decreases the CD of Saber ward by 1min.

- Force Aegis no longer increases the Duration of GBTF instead it enables you to use GBTF and Saberward while stunned.

- Enduring has been redesigned, Resolute now grants you the Effect Enduring for 12s. While Enduring is any movementinhebetting Effects get ignored.



- Selfheal from Merciless Zeal has been increased to 2%



- Saber Screen no longer grants a increase in Defense against Melee and Ranged attacks, but its DMG Reduction now also applies to Force and Tech DMG.


F1 V2

- Guarded by the force Duration has its CD reduced to 1:30min

- A passive Talent "Sentinels Love for Cats" has been added baseline. It reduces the CD of Saber Ward by 1min.

- Force Aegis has been Redesigned. It now increases the Duration of GBTF 2s and Saberward by 4s.

- Enduring has been redesigned, Resolute now grants you the Effect Enduring for 12s. While Enduring is any movementinhebetting Effects get ignored.



- Selfheal from Merciless Zeal gets applied for every time a Burn Effect deals DMG to a Target.



- Saber Screens effects now also apply to force and Tech DMG.



- Concentrated Defense effect has been increased to 12%.


Second Formal Issue: Watchman being **** Choice for DPS

To drunk anyone care to linke me what Adrell, Necrocrusher wrote on that issue?

F3 V1:

Return Watchman to its pre 3.0 state aka reroll the nerfs to every passive and remove the new Dot ability etc. Nekro and Adrell elaboratet on that in their threads efficiently


F3 V2:



- Saber Overload has become a passive Ability. Merciless Slash and Slash have a 100/50% Chance to apply 1 Stack of Saber Overload on your current target. The effect may be stacked to 3 times and cannot be renewed when at 3 Stacks.

- Burning Sweep has been reworked. It now spreads all you Burn effects to affected targets if one of the target it hits is under effect of your burn effects. Also the Force cost from Force Sweep are removed and the CD reduced by 6s.

- Accelerating Victory has been reworked. Slash now also has a 50% Chance to build a Stack of Accelerating Victory.


Third Formal Issue: Combat being the most unreasonable Choice for a DPS

Same as above, I think I will elaborate on it tomorrow it was just "Give us 4,5s Gore" Or was it?


F3 V1:



- Gore has its uptime increased to 4,5 s




Fourth Formal Issue: Mobility and how Sents cannot into it

Crossover this Part 1 need to dig up that Transcendence discussion etc. if anyone cares to linke I will say Thank you^^


F5 V1:


- Transcendence has ben removed from the Centering system instead it has been put on a 45s CD its effects remain unchanged

F5 V2:

- Transcendence has ben removed from the Centering system instead it has been put on a 45s CD its effects remain unchanged

- Battle Meditaion has been added as a new Centering based Talent for Sentinels. It has a 10 min CD and a Duration of 20s. It grants an 10% increase to Force/Techpower of all allies. The Sent himself gets an increase in his Evasion and Precision by 10%.


F5 V3:

- Transcendence has ben removed from the Centering system instead it has been put on a 45s CD its effects remain unchanged

- Battle Meditaion has been added as a new Centering based Talent for Sentinels. It has a 10min ICD it requries 30 Centering to activate. Upon activation the Sent needs to channel the ability for 4,5s (while moving) after the channel is completet the Sentinel gains the effect "Battle Mind" increasing all his Stats by 10% (if you got 500 Alacrity you get + 50 Bonus Alacrity for example) for the next 30s. When Battle Mind ends he receives the debuff "Instability" decreasing his Max HP and Movementspeed by 25% for the next 15s.


Fifth Formal Issue: If anyone needs another category than the above

Edited by Atlanis
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