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What I always though the Sentinel should feel like?


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For those who don´t know the anime the guy survives with 1% Life or so;-)


What I want to say by that, every other class feels in the right place Sents don´t I would care to elaborate on the ideas people have thrown around for ages, but since Devs nerfed us in 3.1.1. I can say it with over 3k pvp mathces in my whole career and many hours of raiding. Either start communicating with the whole community or look around for other "Advisors" out of the community for the next Balance patch. I think the Nekrocrusher already summed up pretty good stuff and Adrells ideas on watchman are also mainstream. My ideas are well, just some crazy ideas from an old man. :D

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I rarely do this, but I just have to vent....


my sorc is basically force storm> bubble > force storm, you can pretty much bind 1 key and be done with it, while my mara got nerfed to the underground lost key abilities while others got nerfed, I mean if you knew you were gonna buff pretty much every other AC why did we got nerfed in the first place....

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I rarely do this, but I just have to vent....


my sorc is basically force storm> bubble > force storm, you can pretty much bind 1 key and be done with it, while my mara got nerfed to the underground lost key abilities while others got nerfed, I mean if you knew you were gonna buff pretty much every other AC why did we got nerfed in the first place....


Because Devs don´t play Sents, they play Sorcs, Shadows, Vanguards and are (see communtiy streams) quite bad at it. ^^

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