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Marauder/sentinel ability request


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I have read hundreds of threads and peoples replies, and seeing that most would agree to an extent our mar/sent ability to stay on target is one of the main issues of class. I think a creative way and staying away from counter part class juggernaut/guardian but having a better way to isolate us to one target instead of leaping into battle especially in pvp and immediately have to use a DCD do to the masses seeing Mae/sent and use cc lock then mass global.....

I say give us a force pull ability one that has a decent range say 30 m even 15 m would be nice, which could lead to new utility allowing for an extra 10 /15 m on that pull. In addition to that pull give us baseline cc immunity say 3/4 seconds after that pull. This here I believe will solve the inedible leap to our death fate in ranked groups, and allow us to keep on our targets better, and bring back use to the class by pulling healers (or other opponents) away from there tanks and using our solid single target burst to give us a shot at taking down our opposition, or at least be a competitive threat instead of an assured cc lock easy kill. :eek:

If anyone has anything to add to this or what they feel would be better please Tell me, only constructive criticism please, and if you like this pass it on. The Devs need to know some of still like our class but they need to make it playable!

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