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Marauder class is an bad joke


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i am started playing SWTOR a few weeks ago because i am a big star wars fan. And what is the special touch of this game --- ofcourse the lightsaber classes ..i thought .... when i want to shoot i play call of duty or something else... but now after a few weeks i see that especialy the marauder is a class who needs no one , because it is to weak in many points :(

I started an mercenary to compare this 2 damage classes , and what i see there makes me very crazy. The mercenary has heavy armor although he is an distance fighter, so he had better protection then the marauder wich have to jump into the enemy crowd to fight ....totaly bullsh.. In all other games i play before the fighter classes has stronger armor then the distance fighters !!!

The next point ...the mercenary can heal , not much as damage maker ..but he can - the marauder has nothing for selfheal or to heal others !!!

By the mercenary you need not so much skills to generate much damage , by the marauder my 24 key mouse is full with skills !!!

And with my mercanary level 45 i made nearly 100% more damage in pvp than with my marauder level 58 with 186er modification !!!

i thought the whole time ...ok...maybe in higher level the marauder will get better .... no, this class is so bad that other players in pvp group are complaining why i go to pvp with this class...it makes only the group weaker :mad:


Why you dont delete this class .... when you make it so weak.... and i dont understand it that especially the classes wich gave this game an special touch are so weak !? !?

Edited by Uebli
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First problem: "And with my mercanary level 45 i made nearly 100% more damage in pvp than with my marauder level 58 with 186er modification !!!"


Read up on bolster in the PVP section this forum. Going into PVP With 186s is begging for a Swift Death time and time again.


Third: more question marks doesn't make truths... :cool:

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ok, but i see many lower levels in pvp with lower modifications ...even my mercenary level 45 .... and i dont think that the 198er modifications make a big difference to the 186er !

And when you had more success with an low level char, every knows there is a big disbalance beetween the classes ! Even when you are not so long play this game :rolleyes:


And many ?? stand not for the truth .... but it stand for many class inequality in this game


oh...and you forgot ...second ;-)

Edited by Uebli
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ok, but i see many lower levels in pvp with lower modifications ...even my mercenary level 45 .... and i dont think that the 198er modifications make a big difference to the 186er !

And when you had more success with an low level char, every knows there is a big disbalance beetween the classes ! Even when you are not so long play this game :rolleyes:


And many ?? stand not for the truth .... but it stand for many class inequality in this game


oh...and you forgot ...second ;-)


The point was that you need PvP gear (Exhumed is rating 168, Dark Reaver is rating 174) and you shouldn't be using your PvE gear (even 186 gear will be adversely affected by Bolster).

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I am loving my marauder. She and I have been topping charts leaderboards right through lowbies, and she's doing the business in midbies at 31 too. I totally get the insane people queuing with maras in yolo - because marauding is yoloing. And somehow forgetting to die.
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I am loving my marauder. She and I have been topping charts leaderboards right through lowbies, and she's doing the business in midbies at 31 too. I totally get the insane people queuing with maras in yolo - because marauding is yoloing. And somehow forgetting to die.


You are fighting dead gophers laying on keyboards then.

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I actually enjoy playing on my marauder, I switched to carnage from annihilation yesterday and it was really fun to play through my last two levels in PVP. My first few matches after I switched I was doing quite good, got top/near top of the chart in DPS, of course I was dying more than someone trying to solo NiM DP but that's expected.


It also led me to think some of the marauder threads are over-exaggerating how bad marauders are.. seeing as I've seen them out-DPS Assassins in warzones, sure their survivability is trash but I'm mainly focusing on doing the damage and not taking it. But that's mainly based from 6 hours of PVPing in one day, and I'm not really a professional on marauders.. hey I still have to go on today so.. I could have my mind completely changed when I go into my first 60 warzone.


Anyway that's just my two cents. Have fun in the game :)

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I actually enjoy playing on my marauder, I switched to carnage from annihilation yesterday and it was really fun to play through my last two levels in PVP. My first few matches after I switched I was doing quite good, got top/near top of the chart in DPS, of course I was dying more than someone trying to solo NiM DP but that's expected.


It also led me to think some of the marauder threads are over-exaggerating how bad marauders are.. seeing as I've seen them out-DPS Assassins in warzones, sure their survivability is trash but I'm mainly focusing on doing the damage and not taking it. But that's mainly based from 6 hours of PVPing in one day, and I'm not really a professional on marauders.. hey I still have to go on today so.. I could have my mind completely changed when I go into my first 60 warzone.


Anyway that's just my two cents. Have fun in the game :)


Complaints about PvP are for ranked arenas. I agree that if arenas are removed, the game would be much better balanced in warzones.

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So i have tested now with 168er pvp modis.... but anyway the marauder is very weak against my mercenary (without pvp modis) :mad: 2 groups , all distance fighters , stand face to face in fight ...and me as marauder has the possibilty to jump in enemy group ...and die .... or watch the lasershots from the others :-( . I think its still unfair that he has only middle heavy armor as no distance fighter.... and very low survival odds with his skills. Ok when this class would make much more dmg for this disadvantage i will maybe understand this .... but he didnt. With my Mercenary i made a bit more dmg , and i started now an juggernaut and i had the feeling he made the same dmg like the marauder !!

And he has heavy armor ..... so for what this class is made for ? .... the only advantage i see ... his movement looks better then the other classes :cool:

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  • 6 months later...
Well marauders aren't that bad in pvp, but if you want get top dps in ranked lvl 60 with a mara here i the answer, is impossible since you have 1 dot as fury 0 as carnage+no ranged and extreme low survivavility so you must be cloacking and that wich makes you lose dps, powertech pyrotech or madness sorcerer will ALWAYS do more dps since a pyrotech just dot 4 playeras and it is already 1000 dps+your atacs, same with madness afliction and dots, maras the good thing they have (the only i found) is than you can be masive dpsing a tank without need to lower your dps and you can take mercs sorcs in 1 vs 1 but in fact, lets do a comparation mara (mele) vs operative (mele) operative burst = or more than mara, long time dps (useless in pvp) mara is king, survival of mara, undying rage saber ward, cloack, survival operative heal over time, shield, evasion, temeport, stealth emergency stealth, stuns: mara choke and the aoe stun, operative, stealth stun, aoe stun normal stun backstab stun talent and you will say, then operatives are op vs maras, the answe is easy yes they are :D:D
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1. My Mara does less 25% DPS compared to Assassin of same gear no matter what rotation.

2. There is no 1v1 PvP with Mara, unless the enemy is AFK. It's a little good as support, tho'.

3. Ops teams still hate Maras and it's the last thing they want.

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