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Getting Owned In Higher PVE Content


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I'm not the most advanced player at this game, but I've played my sentinel to level 55 and I seem to be getting shredded by the Hutt Cartel content. I'm not sure what changed, but I've been moving up to the level 53 armor to help survive, but it hasn't helped much. Out of all the class I've played, my sentinel has the hardest time surviving most fights. Is this just a characteristic of this class or is there an aspect of my gear or abilities I'm missing?
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whats the point ? even annihilation is around 400 dps lower than other classes ,why bother with this underpowered and underperforming class when you can raid with a merc ?you dont like it and you want to play with a mara ? ah...too bad -and thats how devs treat maras :p

devs wanted to have melee dps to be higher than ranged dps ,to compensate for uptime due to raid mechanics ....and they failed misereably,ended up making marauders a joke in both pvp and pve.check torparse,the top 50 dps ,it will make you delete the mara.the trick is ,not to delete him but just stop paying for sub until it gets fixed

Edited by xvlasis
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I'm not the most advanced player at this game, but I've played my sentinel to level 55 and I seem to be getting shredded by the Hutt Cartel content. I'm not sure what changed, but I've been moving up to the level 53 armor to help survive, but it hasn't helped much. Out of all the class I've played, my sentinel has the hardest time surviving most fights. Is this just a characteristic of this class or is there an aspect of my gear or abilities I'm missing?


On Makeb, are you using the GSI booster stations that bolster your stats and make leveling much easier?

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