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Make Section X heroics soloable please


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The reason I ask is because Section X seems to have turned into a ghost town.


As a level 60, if I want to do some solo content:


I can solo the Black Hole H4 and get the weekly.

I can solo the GSI H2s and get the weekly.

I can solo the Oricon H2 and get the weekly.

I can get the Makeb staged weekly.

I can probably even solo the Czerka FPs to get the weekly (although I haven't tried yet)

But I usually skip Section X because you need 4 people to press the buttons but there's rarely ever 4 people showing as present at the times I play. I'm guessing others are doing likewise.


I've always liked Section X but I'm just not going there anymore because I can't get the weekly without hanging around for ages waiting.


So please can the H4s be changed so that the buttons need not be pressed simultaneously and that you don't have to hold that barrier thing open IF there are less than the required number of players in the party. It's still fun to keep these mechanics where there is a full group.



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I sign this as someone who HAS soloed the Czerka FPs for weekly (tactical, I couldn't pull off the HM sandstorm boss when I tried it a month ago, maybe now that my companion is augged but I'm not sure if it would make enough difference).


I'd love to go back to Section X too, but there's no reason to do it unless maybe the guild is LF credit run to fund guild activities, because I sure as hell won't be able to find a group for it otherwise.

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I usually start asking if anyone's doing it (if there are more than four people around they're usually there for the daily and are in the same boat as you) as soon as I get there and start organizing while I'm in the middle of doing all the solo stuff. It usually works.
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Yeah, I haven't made my way over there too often (still about 25k or so rep short of maxing it out) but when I do go there I start keeping an eye out for any group calls (I don't usually start them myself, I just respond to someone else's LFG) as soon as I land. If you ignore the chat and don't actually start looking to group for the heroic 4 until after you've cleared everything else, then you've got nothing to pass the time for however long it takes to get a full group together.
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Strange. I never have any difficulty getting a group there. Longest I've had to wait is five minutes or so.

People exaggerate. I won't say I've never had to wait longer than 5 minutes (I think your memory is a bit faulty on that). but claims of "I can never get it done!" are just that: claims. The times I want to get it done, I manage to get it done. No big deal.


If they make AC/LS soloable, fine. If they keep them as is, fine.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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