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Healing Commando and Sage looking for a raiding organized guild


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I have a level 60 healing commando and a healing sage 58 looking for a raiding guild. Due to present status can only raid up to 11pm est. Also have a 60 Jedi Knight, a 52 Jedi Knight, and a lvl 19 slinger. My commando has some of the 192 gear and so does my jedi. Due to real life even on nights that I do sign up for a raid there is an off chance I may have to drop out real life issues. Please No PVP guilds.
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If you are still in search of a guild home, come give Souls of Fate a look http://www.soulsoffate.enjin.com

We are an adult guild, always looking for healers. Gear isn't an issue, we can help you get that. We can help you run through the raids to get the experience too. We are a good mix of casual and progression folks we have 3 teams raiding on the weeknights and are trying to get more players who are willing and able to hop in to in guild PUG's. We have openings in a couple regular teams, but always have random openings for folks who want to be more casual with their raiding experience.


Give us a look, see if you like us and if we fit your style and be sure to hit me up here, in game on C'aboose or on our guild site as Drivan.


Best of luck to you and I hope to hear from ya!

Edited by RiVaN_
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