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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Companions bugging out


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During gameplay, companions are not following the character, they sometimes run of in weird directions., and are not attacking when directed. Ctrl UU does not fix the issue. Resummoning does not fix the issue. Changing companions does not fix the issue. Its as if they are suffering from severe latency issues, however latency is stable. Edited by Razdek
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My hubby and I have noticed this with the agent's comps in particular. They just stand there and do nothing for the longest time. It's not just one, but all of them, so it doesn't matter who you pull. Relogging doesn't help, they just don't attack like they're supposed to, not until the player character gets struck. This has been an issue for..oh, at least a month now. Edited by Lunafox
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I'm half convinced this is related to the server performance issues. I have seen my companions run away and back as if trying to work out which direction I'm heading. It also effects monsters some times. Like they can't tell where I am in relation to them and get stuck in 'where the hell are you!' mode and rarely make an attack.
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