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Problem with Exterminator's Cuirass


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Hello Support


Bought this set recently, pricy. Sadly the Exterminator's Cuirass has a very annoying problem. It clips your character's model at the waist constantly. It actually gets stuck on the interior of the model and drapes down your front like an apron, looking absolutely ridiculous. It is doubly annoying to purchase something for real dollars and realize that so little basic QA was done on it.


It also does this frequently in every mission cut scene, even if it was not clipping before the cut scene. Finally, once it starts clipping it is quite hard to dislodge without actually unequipping it, only to have it start clipping again five minutes later. Hopefully this can be addressed soon, as I like the concept and would prefer not to have to get it refunded.


It may be relevant to note that (if you try to reproduce the effect) I am wearing it with Kreia's robe leggings. The textures match up nicely.


Thank you for your attention.

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