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"report spam" should also automatically ignore.


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As the title says, reporting someone should also put them on your ignore list automatically.

It doesn't seem like much, but there are an awful lot of button clicks every day ignoring gold spammers in the general chat. One click instead of two would be helpful.


Also, it would be nice if there was some way to purge deleted accounts from the ignore list. That list fills up surprisingly fast with gold spammers, and we have a 500 limit....

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It should also be up front and immediately accessible from the first right click menu. Always. Sometimes it's buried under a submenu. When I have to dig it out of the submenu, I skip the report spam and go straight to ignore.


The popup saying that your report has been sent that has to be clicked away should be removed. It serves no useful purpose, as we already know the report has been sent or we would not have sent it, but it does throw up another annoying barrier to resuming desired gameplay. If you must convey that message, do it as a system message in our chat window, like the "You are now ignoring..." message appears.


One last dream of mine is that report spam should automatically delete all messages received by the reported spammer from your client's chat box. I don't like it when I'm looking to pug something on fleet and gold spammers scroll the legit chat off, which makes it harder for me to see what's going on, so the ability to remove the spam from my client would be much appreciated. (Server side, the spammer's still spamming, and the previous spam is still there, I've just retroactively ignored it so I can see everything else that the spammer scrolled off.) "Report ISK spam" in EVE Online does this (as well as auto ignore), and it just makes dealing with spam so much more efficient and less intrusive. In EVE I could go months without ever seeing a RMT gold spammer--the only thing that might be considered "spam" that I had to endure there would fit right in the "trade" channel here.


I remember when Eric Musco made the post about "we know about gold spammers, we have methods of stamping them out, please use report spam because it does help us." However, if you want us to help you, help us help ourselves and make the report spam function the most streamlined report spam function it can be. If it is an annoyance to use, people won't bother to use it, and will just ignore instead. As it is, the function could be a lot better and less intrusive to our gameplay.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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The spam report confirmation dialog box should have 2 options: Report / Report & Ignore


I mean, I suppose it's possible that someone would want to report a spammer and not ignore them so having the option is the better choice.

Either way, ignoring spammers needs to be less click-intensive.

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No, it should *not* automatically /ignore or else our /ignore lists will be at maximum capacity very quickly.


There should be a separate /ignore category for spammers that bypasses the standard /ignore list for something that is limitless and basically acts as a black hole... call it /spammer or something. I'd rather /ignore people that bother me personally and /spammer the actual spammers so I never have to see them again.


So, I can either manually right-click and "send to spammer void" command or I can right-click and "report spammer" which sends in a report but also puts them into the /spammer list and you never see them again.

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No, it should *not* automatically /ignore or else our /ignore lists will be at maximum capacity very quickly.


There should be a separate /ignore category for spammers that bypasses the standard /ignore list for something that is limitless and basically acts as a black hole... call it /spammer or something. I'd rather /ignore people that bother me personally and /spammer the actual spammers so I never have to see them again.


So, I can either manually right-click and "send to spammer void" command or I can right-click and "report spammer" which sends in a report but also puts them into the /spammer list and you never see them again.


It's worth mentioning that EVE Online (the game that I base my report spam functionality requests from--it sets the standard IMO) does not have an ignore list cap of which I am aware so the "send to bottomless pit" may as well actually apply.


Then again EVE Online also has a dev team that actually puts effort into improving the quality of life of the game, including patching in the system it has now to report spammers. It wasn't always that easy or effective but RMT gold spam dropped about 90% overnight and 99% within a week when its current system was implemented. Imagine the pipe dream of only seeing a gold spammer in SWTOR once every 5 months (without the downside of SWTOR being dead). EVE's report spam tool was that effective.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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