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Possible Way to Boost Mercs in PVP Now


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From this day forth all mercs should stay in the ranked PVP queue. Run as many as you can. When you load in the other folks in there will of course complain that you are going to lose the match for them. This is true, and it can be a good thing.


While you are dead and the other members are struggling due to being instantly outnumbered and fighting a now unfair Ranked Warzone designed to prove skill, tell them to go to the Forums and yell,


"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. Fix mercs or let them convert into Powertechs! They suck and they make me suck!"


I think if all of the boards are singing the same song we might get some attention. At the very least we can share our pain with ALOT of people that will be happy to be a part of our robust mercenary community.

Edited by Obsinius
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This is what ive been doing.. keep running it out there every day to my own and a few others pain.

Getting the merc is kinda like getting the troll that leaves and were dead by 2 sins on 1-2 GCD and its a 4-3 match.

I win enough to do the daily, but it takes soooo long compared to my PT or others

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Just run in and hit /stuck right as the enemy team opens up on you.


Not only will it piss off your team, but the others guys as well since they won't get the killing blow.

Nice! I didn't think of that. It's not like there is any doubt you are going to die anyway so it doesn't really hurt the argument.

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i have literally asked groups in solos to do the following....

Sins., get on my 6, you know thats where theres will be its a free shot for you on them

Sorcs, AoE around me about the time they should be here, odds are 50/50 you will bring them out of stealth casue they are so focused on the merc they dont think

bottom line if we are to be bait, then use it.. get creative, my goal most of the time is to take one with me, and let the rest sort itself out, lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
i have literally asked groups in solos to do the following....

Sins., get on my 6, you know thats where theres will be its a free shot for you on them

Sorcs, AoE around me about the time they should be here, odds are 50/50 you will bring them out of stealth casue they are so focused on the merc they dont think

bottom line if we are to be bait, then use it.. get creative, my goal most of the time is to take one with me, and let the rest sort itself out, lol


This.....ten thousand times this.


I have a Juggernaut, Shadow, Merc and Sniper. They all require different ways of thinking about arenas and WZs. They all have different strengths and weaknesses (yes some more than others...for instance I think my Juggernaut is my most useful toon...but others would say nerf Shadow!)


In the current meta if you are running a merc or a sniper you are bait. If they go for you (and they probably will), you should be able to use your limited time to add enough DPS to take one of them out with you. If they don't go for you, you teach them to not let a Merc (or Sniper) free fire.

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It does get frustrating when people dont get it though.. some days i can only take so much before i have to give it up.

its maddening to look across at a team with 2-3 sins, and op and a PT and they stealth to you and blow you up and the team gives you ****.. like anyone with a brain shouldn't have seen it coming.


OMG how did you die so fast... gee i dont know, i shot myself? tripped over the piece of debris?


use your cooldowns.. ummm, i did, they suck, would you like a screenshot?


Some days i can only deal with so much stupidity. Seriously how is it that all these people can join a match saying things like "ok, everyone target the merc".. and yet not seem to understand why they are saying that?

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i have literally asked groups in solos to do the following....

Sins., get on my 6, you know thats where theres will be its a free shot for you on them

Sorcs, AoE around me about the time they should be here, odds are 50/50 you will bring them out of stealth casue they are so focused on the merc they dont think

bottom line if we are to be bait, then use it.. get creative, my goal most of the time is to take one with me, and let the rest sort itself out, lol


I've actually done something similar.


In one match I was placed on a team with 3 assassins against 2 shadows and 2 scoundrels so I knew that they were going to open up on me first.


I told the sins to wait until they opened up on me and then drop their death fields. When I got jumped, and died, 2 of the sins dropped their DFs, the third was deception, and caught all 4 of our opponents in them and then they very quickly burned down one of the scoundrels and a shadow. The other two lasted a bit longer but eventually died.


For the second round, we went for the same tactic but I managed to catch a scoundrel with a lucky stealth scan and netted him. The deception sin and I opened up and the other two sins dropped their DFs pulling the rest of the other team out of stealth before they could get to me. I was able to start kiting and my team brought them down in short order.


But, honestly, the only thing I could think of during that second round and after the match was "I LIVED!!!!!".

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I've actually done something similar.


In one match I was placed on a team with 3 assassins against 2 shadows and 2 scoundrels so I knew that they were going to open up on me first.


I told the sins to wait until they opened up on me and then drop their death fields. When I got jumped, and died, 2 of the sins dropped their DFs, the third was deception, and caught all 4 of our opponents in them and then they very quickly burned down one of the scoundrels and a shadow. The other two lasted a bit longer but eventually died.


For the second round, we went for the same tactic but I managed to catch a scoundrel with a lucky stealth scan and netted him. The deception sin and I opened up and the other two sins dropped their DFs pulling the rest of the other team out of stealth before they could get to me. I was able to start kiting and my team brought them down in short order.


But, honestly, the only thing I could think of during that second round and after the match was "I LIVED!!!!!".


When you get teams to work with you it cant be entertaining to say the least.. in many ways its a blessing for them, they know where the other team will be, lol

How sad is it though that simply surviving a round is a victory for us?

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When you get teams to work with you it cant be entertaining to say the least.. in many ways its a blessing for them, they know where the other team will be, lol

How sad is it though that simply surviving a round is a victory for us?


Hell most matches once the fighting starts I consider it a victory if I get to control my toon long enough to fire off an ability. Any ability I dont care what it is just so my abilities are not greyed out for the whole time.

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Hell most matches once the fighting starts I consider it a victory if I get to control my toon long enough to fire off an ability. Any ability I dont care what it is just so my abilities are not greyed out for the whole time.


Yeah I know that feel after a whole team lets me get away with a few kills voidstar and huttball. When they catch me alone or in a 4v4 arena I know I'm SOL. Mercs just can't fight off anything with a solid stunlock setup.

Edited by ExeErdna
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