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Disappearing enemie, appalling DPS Balance Sage, and the Ravagers 16 man drops.


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I know that this is an issue, and it is getting more and more common. When I fight enemies, they go underground, and I can NOT kill them unless I use my AoE's. I have seen as much as 2,000 meters away, and even more on some enemies. This needs to be fixed. Not next decade, not next year, but now. Fix this now.


Second, my Balance Sage DPS is appalling. I was pulling 2.5k, and better, before 3.0 came out. Now, with 3.0, I can't top 2k, most of the time. This is full buffs, stimmed, and hitting everything I can as soon as it comes up. I'm also in 186/192 gear. And it's augmented. Granted it's not the best augments out there, but still, going from 3k dps to under 2k is ludicrous. So, you plan to change everything else, fine, I won't use my Sage, except as a crafter, and to help out with things for my other characters in game, and stop using my Sage, period. I love my sage, I put a ton of time, effort, patience, and care, and now I can't use the character, except as a crafter. So be it, until this is fixed, this is precisely what I will do.


This point has erked me, and I have yet for a developer, a customer service specialist, or even one of the thread monitors address this issue, at all. I ran 16 man Ravagers, and only one piece of unassambled gear dropped for the bosses we did kill. I want those pieces, and I want them now. As well as the rest of my raid team. They deserve, as much as I do, the gear, and probably would appreciate it. That, and fix the damned numbers, Put a 4 in front of the gear, instead of a one. This would make it good to run, instead of the crap run it already is.

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Bro in 162/168 (no set bonus) gear pre 3.0 I was doing 2.9k-3k dps on my balance sage on an average parse, now that 3.0 came out I am doing 3.5k-3.6k and at times hitting 3.7k dps on my balance sage and she is in the COMMS 186 gear with full overkill 186 augments. Obviously you need to pick another class to play bro or try healing cuz those numbers you're claiming suck.
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Looking at some old files, I was hitting, on average, between 2k (low end, and killed the enemy quickly) and 3.5k. This is a mix between 168 coms gear, and 180 coms/set gear. Now, in the 186/192 coms gear, with 156, yet, augments, I'm back down to 1.8k? I know that the augments I currently have aren't that great, but there is something seriously wrong here. And it was the damned EAware nerf they did on the Sages. I don't think I know my rotation, I don't pretend to know it, I don't even just face roll my rotation. And it's not the rotation, it's the nerf in what they did with the Sage abilities. And it's balance Sages, only.
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Looking at some old files, I was hitting, on average, between 2k (low end, and killed the enemy quickly) and 3.5k. This is a mix between 168 coms gear, and 180 coms/set gear. Now, in the 186/192 coms gear, with 156, yet, augments, I'm back down to 1.8k? I know that the augments I currently have aren't that great, but there is something seriously wrong here. And it was the damned EAware nerf they did on the Sages. I don't think I know my rotation, I don't pretend to know it, I don't even just face roll my rotation. And it's not the rotation, it's the nerf in what they did with the Sage abilities. And it's balance Sages, only.


Balance Sages and Madness Sorcs are mechanically the same, doof.

Before 3.0, they were miles better than Telekinetics/Lightning. Now it's the other way around.

Spheal w/ it.

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