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Hey there, sorry to bother, I'm a returner and I really consider IS the Shadow of Revan and Rise of The Hutt Cartel worthy of my time. I love the story (fully completed BH, Trooper and partly Inq), but as far as I see lore-quality content ends with the end of vanilla story. I'm a solo player and NEVAH play on cap, always swap game or character.


As far, as I understand after the second chapter, in Correllia the real, fullscale war between reps and imps was started, but never was continued as it should in next addons.



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If you're a sub I believe you get Rise of the Hutt Cartel automatically now, so no real reason not to do it and there is some interesting stuff, though I find the Imp story better.


As for SoR...dunno. It gives you a little bite of class story, but overall it's short and not terribly inspiring, not the least because it's more Revan retread. I literally only bought it for all the little bits of class story. You may not think it's worth it.

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