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Thinking of transferring


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I'm sick of the harbinger and I'm central so my server lag wont suck here but I would like to know how the pvp community is here. Solo ranked, team ranked, regs, etc. Pub or imp dominated and when the best times to que are. I know its a pve server and I'll be making a similar post on pot5 but I just kinda like pve servers better.
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Solo and Grouped usually happen later in the evenings, with the most consistent pops Fri-Sun after 7 p.m. or so. Generally there's someone in chat announcing which is popping--more often solo--and trying to drum up the play. Lag hasn't really been an issue since the recent fix.


Regs pop throughout the day, with pubs usually doing a little better earlier and imps running it at night. For some reason the general feel is that on pub side people want to hold hands, on imp side people want to kill everything. Same for PvE; I still have pub side toons with their one-time quests because I tried to get through them in pug runs.

Edited by Prototypemind
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The guilds that run team ranked are Death Smile, Lethal Injection, and Triumph (pub). All other pvp guilds are irrelevant in team ranked. Bongs weights and protein shakes do solo ranked often. The Darkness Reborn has a few who do solo ranked and might be making a team for s4(cannot confirm since they don't reach out to other pvp guilds) But mostly you'll find a bunch of regstars here who think they are amazing.



EDIT: the community here is better than harbingers or most pvp servers. Imps usually dominate fur the most part.

Edited by sheabr
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Sorry it took so long for me to respond to this, I had some guildies trying to talk me out of leaving for a while but sorry guys yalls drama was worse that a group of 13 year autistic girls that are on that are on that show sweet sixteen. :( . There will be plenty I will miss. Wish you the best of luck Solow keeping tauntauns together but honestly man I wouldnt hold your breath. But guess what I'm transferring in about 20 minutes. Just making sure I dont have any important legacy stuff in my mail :). And I'm not going to talk about how good or bad I was prior to coming here I'm just going to let you guys decide because anyone can say they rock but very few back it up and that's just what I intend to do.
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