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3.0 Gunnery Commando LF Information/Advice


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Hi there Commandos!


So straight to the point. I've recently pushed an old Commando up from 55 to 60 and decided to spec him into Gunnery, swapping from Combat Medic. I've read over the Dulfy Guide for the spec and talked to some friends i know in game who are familiar with the spec. Plain and simply i cannot seem to do anything more than 3.3K. I am not complaining about the spec as i know people are pulling 4.5K on it or around that quite easily. My issue here is in my lack of knowledge in the inner workings of it. Here is the priority system i've been going by after my opener...


Boltstorm (proccing Curtain of Fire every 8 seconds)

Demo Rounds

Electro Net

High Impact Bolt (5 stacks)

Vortex Bolt

Grav Round

Hammer Shot


Here are my gearing stats at the moment...


Gearing Stats: (Mix between 186's - 192's

Accuracy: 100.44%

Crit Chance: 29.40% (576 Rating)

Surge: 67.64%

Augments: Full Reflex + 2 Accuracy Augments (I know this is not ideal but am still working on tweaking the Accuracy to drop a augment)


What i'm looking for is someone who can provide links to information or someone who would be willing to go over the spec with me in depth. Guides, Links, Parsing information, Videos, etc. would also be greatly appreciated. I am not a new player to either this game or MMO's but this is the first time i'm attempting a range class ( I main a Combat Sentinel and pull 4.5 K + pretty consistently.) Anyone who would be willing to help out or contribute information to this thread would be greatly apprciated :) Thanks all!

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I did a quick 500K parse video for those to watch, offer Criticism, feedback, etc. I also show current gear levels. Here is the link to the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g88bcK1HSkw I was able to break my previous DPS statement. Again anything anyone can contribute to help me get better and more knowledgeable on Gunnery would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance guys :D

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I watched your parse video and I have three suggestions:


-Don't delay Vortex Bolt, Demo Round, or High Impact Bolt in order to use Boltstorm UNLESS it means that the Curtain of Fire proc will fall off (should never be an issue on a dummy). Their cooldowns are pretty much set, whereas Boltstorm's cooldown timer IN EFFECT starts ticking when you proc Curtain of Fire, not when you actually USE Boltstorm. You did this well in the opener (dumped all your other big-damage abilities on the dummy before using Boltstorm) but were a little iffy on it during the fight.


-Try to time your Supercharge usage so that the Grav Round that gives you your 10th Supercharge stack procs Curtain of Fire (ideally with Demo Round, High Impact Bolt, Vortex Bolt, and even if possible Electro Net coming off cooldown in a few seconds). Boltstorm will build your 6 stacks in 2 GCDs guaranteed; using Grav Round/Demo Round/Vortex Bolt to build them takes 3 GCDs, and can even take longer if you muck up the rate limit. Ideal Supercharge window is probably (I haven't run the numbers):


Supercharge + Boltstorm -> Demo Round -> Vortex Bolt -> Electro Net -> High Impact Bolt -> Grav Round -> Boltstorm


With 0 alacrity from gear (3% from Armor-Piercing Cell, 6% built during Boltstorm), the second Boltstorm will activate 9.735 seconds into Supercharge (lasts 10 seconds), just squeaking it in so that it'll channel faster (extra 6% alacrity helps). Latency might be an issue in getting it off in time, but if you've got any alacrity on your gear you should be able to get it done regardless.


-If you really want to meter pad, use a stim and an adrenal to boost your numbers.



DISCLAIMER: I don't really parse, and I haven't NiM raided since the level cap was 50. I just play Gunnery a lot and think about mechanics.

Edited by venomlash
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Awesome advice and insight i'll definietly take note of all of that and put it to practice. My follow up question to what you've said would be this. Is it ok and/or should I hold supercharge for a few GCDs to better fit some of the higher DPSing abilities into its window or is there a limit to how long i should wait/hold it? Edited by Bahadori
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