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quick travel node descriptions


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I've noticed that almost all of the quick travel nodes on planets show the "NULL ID" in the descriptions!!!

I think it started happening after patch 3. Would be nice if you guys fix it. Thanks

Edited by nimaata
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My latest character has this issue, but only on Korriban, Dromund Kaas, Balmorra and Taris. The single faction, non-shared worlds. Shared worlds like Tatooine had proper labels on the Quick Travel point.


After being bug-labelled on the first 3 planets, it was fine for the next 3, but when I got to Taris after that, the bugged label was back. I then flew back to Alderaan, Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine just to confirm their labels were still correct / unbugged. Once leaving Taris and heading to more shared worlds, the labels were correct / unbugged

Edited by docbenwayddo
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