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Commando DPS Min/Max guide for dummies....


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Is this available? I have searched the web for a solid 3.0 guide for us pub commandos and have come up with a lot of information that just plain doesn't make sense to me. I badly wanna learn how to min/max so that I can pass it on to other folks and also get my parsing to something respectable. I get that ACC needs to be 100/110, I am there on that and have a 186 gun, and 186 relics, rest of my gear is 192 with 2 pieces of 196. My dps against the op dummy is around 3.0-3.4 sustained and can drop to 2.8 (gunnery spec btw) So the question is, if i have all my pieces installed as they came and all my items have the 186 main stat augment, how can i move items around to get my dps respectable?




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