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Sorcs deserve equal treatment, not hate


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Bubbleheal, force storm, insane combinations of utilities (egress, pushback root, bubblestun) seem pretty enough. Btw I can take down 80% of sorcs, but just because the majority of them are baddies. Or maybe because I play a nice counter sorc discipline. Carnage marauders or concealment ops won't be so happy.


You do realize that all three of those "insane combinations of utilities" are on the same tier, right? If we take all three of those, then we can take only one heroic utility, and the channel-while-moving one is essentially a skill tax for both corruption and lightning (don't know so much about madness, as it was always the "mobile" sorc spec and I don't play it).


The 30% DR while stunned is also in the heroic tier, as is corrupted bubble...I know a lot of sorcs take corrupted bubble to h2f. I personally take the DR while stunned due to the frequency with which people attempt to stunlock kill me. Therefore I can only take fadeout and bubblestun (though I believe bubblestun should have remained within lightning discipline, in which case I would have been happy to take KB root instead, as I feel either or is enough).


If a sorc takes all egress, pushback root, bubblestun, then takes "bubbleheal..." then they're not casting while moving. Yours is the post 3.0 version of the infamous 36/36/36 spec people would pull out to QQ about allegedly OP classes.

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You do realize that all three of those "insane combinations of utilities" are on the same tier, right? If we take all three of those, then we can take only one heroic utility, and the channel-while-moving one is essentially a skill tax for both corruption and lightning (don't know so much about madness, as it was always the "mobile" sorc spec and I don't play it).


The 30% DR while stunned is also in the heroic tier, as is corrupted bubble...I know a lot of sorcs take corrupted bubble to h2f. I personally take the DR while stunned due to the frequency with which people attempt to stunlock kill me. Therefore I can only take fadeout and bubblestun (though I believe bubblestun should have remained within lightning discipline, in which case I would have been happy to take KB root instead, as I feel either or is enough).


If a sorc takes all egress, pushback root, bubblestun, then takes "bubbleheal..." then they're not casting while moving. Yours is the post 3.0 version of the infamous 36/36/36 spec people would pull out to QQ about allegedly OP classes.


In madness tree you don't need to cast you know... Unless you need to drain someone

Edited by DerSchneider
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In madness tree you don't need to cast you know... Unless you need to drain someone


Then that is an issue with the madness discipline, not the sorc class as a whole, and there is no justification to nerf corruption/lightning because madness is OP and was continuously buffed until the point of absurdity during the 2.0 patch cycle.


Personally I believe that making the dots uncleansable is what made it a bridge too far--it should have received lethality's old dot protection (cleanse=application of a weaker dot that still gives procs) instead. Absolute dot protection ensured that the only real way to counter madness was to play a class with a purge on a short cooldown (sorcs technically have a purge, but its cooldown is too long to justify using it only as such). Madness dot protection was also a significant stealth nerf to sorc healers, as only we could cleanse the Force dots and that utility was taken away from us. Only with 3.0 did we receive buffs (mobile casting, access to defensive talents) to offset that loss.


Also a significant contributing factor as to why hatred sins are so OP now, at least with a madness sorc you can see him to focus him to the point he's more concerned about h2f than making them pay.


Adding dot spread to madness in addition to the cleanse nerf was just LOL. Let's look at limiting dot spread to deal with the OP spec before we go gutting the whole class because one of its specs is OP please.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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Then that is an issue with the madness discipline, not the sorc class as a whole, and there is no justification to nerf corruption/lightning because madness is OP and was continuously buffed until the point of absurdity during the 2.0 patch cycle.


Personally I believe that making the dots uncleansable is what made it a bridge too far--it should have received lethality's old dot protection (cleanse=application of a weaker dot that still gives procs) instead. Absolute dot protection ensured that the only real way to counter madness was to play a class with a purge on a short cooldown (sorcs technically have a purge, but its cooldown is too long to justify using it only as such). Madness dot protection was also a significant stealth nerf to sorc healers, as only we could cleanse the Force dots and that utility was taken away from us. Only with 3.0 did we receive buffs (mobile casting, access to defensive talents) to offset that loss.


Also a significant contributing factor as to why hatred sins are so OP now, at least with a madness sorc you can see him to focus him to the point he's more concerned about h2f than making them pay.


Adding dot spread to madness in addition to the cleanse nerf was just LOL. Let's look at limiting dot spread to deal with the OP spec before we go gutting the whole class because one of its specs is OP please.


Are we still bringing up cleansing? Cleaning is and was stupid and it is rightly gone. Madness isn't overpowered now in any way. 3.0 nerfed every bit of burst the spec had and has it sitting at the bottom of the ST DPS pile. I deeply wish they would get rid of dotspread and give the spec its ST killing power back.


Finally, Lethality's DoT protection wouldn't work for Madness because the point of Lethality's DoTs was and is to buff Cull where much of the spec's damage comes from. Madness's DoTs represented a much bigger part of its damage profile.

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