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Miniskirt Texture Glitch with Lightsabres


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When you use any of the Miniskirts (Regal Apparel, Handmaiden + Reskin, Lana Beniko) on a Type 2 male / Type 2&4 female Character (Male T3 works fine, didn't check the rest) while wielding a Lightsaber (both single, double and Saberstaff), the left side texture glitches out



This is how it should look like:



Everything works fine if you're using Blasters.

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Using a saberstaff (staves?) effects the skirt model in the same way. For Handmaiden, Lana, Regal and Noble Attendant. All of them break the users left hip like that, with the weapon drawn.


The sad thing is, now that you've posted it effects smaller, one handed sabers on characters that use the 'Guardian' stance, I cannot make a bug thread with the title:


"Don't wear mini skirts if you've got a big saber'

Edited by PorkdishSWOR
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