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New Weekly Companion gear 192 gear sets are worse than 168.


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I've decided to address this issue on proper forum just in case. I've already posted in general forums but still, I'd rather to be sure it's taken care of since it's one of the most annoying things atm. So to make it short:

1. Half of the gear set you get as a reward have wrong stats in most cases. Specifically: implants, earpieces,gloves,chests and offhands (that offhand you get from Rishi quest, it has stats bugged just like the rest from Yavin, even previous 168 offhand piece seem to be better).

2. 2V-R8 and C2-N2 ship droids are unable to equip main weapon (pistol).


And yes I know there are other threads regarding the issue, but the more the better. And as many other ppl stated it's NOT Wilpower stat only that is broken..Every single one of them needs to be looked at and fixed. Ensign Temple/Mako/Tharan Cedrax (Cunning) for instance are broken too.


All broken stats are not even close to old Black Market 168 rated pieces... while they are supposed to be as good as Massassi 192 from Supplies area vendor's....

Edited by Satelle
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