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So, what's with the Jedi Revanites?


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*snip* I'll have to disagree very strongly with this statement. What's going on in the galaxy is a full fledged intergalactic war. Virtually every planet you visit after you leave the capital world has some sort of armed conflict taking place. The entirety of chapters one, two, and three all happen in war zones (even Alderaan is caught up in this armed conflict).


Yeah...but Revan's solution was...genocide. The complete massacre of every single person in the Empire with any Sith blood, whether they're actually Sith/Soldiers, or some random baker on Dromund Kaas. :p I kind of find it difficult to believe that any Jedi who aren't all ready dancing dangerously close to the edge of falling would sit down and be convinced, "Hey, sometimes you have to exterminate billions of innocent people in order to save billions of innocent people.

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Maybe... but maybe not.


I can see three arguments for why a LS Revanite Jedi would stay with the Revanites on Yavin.


Option 1: "Wait, Satele's here?"


They might not know who the attacking force is. Satele stays off the front line, after all, and we mostly just see soldiers and a handful of Jedi running around. The Revanites could spin this as being... any number of possibilities, really, via internal propoganda.


Option 2: "...its too late to change back now."


This would be a step towards falling to the Dark Side... but also a very human (for lack of a better word) thing to do, being afraid of the consequences, so you double-down instead, and hope that you can make it through to the other side.


I mean, what they did IS treason. They won't see too much mercy facing treason charges during a war, something that Revanite internal proganda would easily reinforce.


Option 3: "...they're helping the Sith? This is just insanity..."


Yes, hypocracy in spades... but that's also a very human thing. Jedi helping the Sith could easily be seen as the Jedi falling under the influence of the Dark Side, and maybe the corruption of the Republic had infested the Jedi Order as well. All that war, all that darkness... its not like Satele's lineage is immune to falling, after all.


Just some thoughts on that part.


This all presumes that the Rep forces that landed shoot Revanites on sight. They have a pathetic force left by the time you reach the training facility, so option 2 is just dumb, they are done either way so the sane thing would be to surrender.


The Sith that are there would turn on the other Revanites immediately as well, no Sith would die for an obvioulsy doomed cause.

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...that last part... that I can easily believe.


The reason I struggle with teh comparison to KOTOR, though, is because there is this huge, obvious threat present during the Mandalorian Wars that pushed the Jedi into action against the council's wishes, and it wouldn't be impossible to get the Jedi there to take a few more steps down that path. No single dark action, just one step, after another, after another... and then you look up and you're no longer a Jedi anymore.


The Foundry explanation could do it, though. And it'd be helped by the Republic's announcement that the Emperor's dead (and thus no longer be hunted by the Republic). How many of those from the Foundry who knew Revan was dedicated to defeating the Emperor, hearing about how he's still alive, and needing to be dealt with... maybe they'll take a few more steps forward, no matter how much they dislike their supposed allies in the Empire...


It's a good point and could explain a bit. I do wish Bioware would, you know, put some sort of explanation or exploration into the game, of course...

i dont think the Jedi revanites were evil, but the Emperor is planning on killing everything in the galaxy, if he could prove that to even a few Jedi, i can see them stopping at nothing to prevent that.

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Yeah...but Revan's solution was...genocide. The complete massacre of every single person in the Empire with any Sith blood, whether they're actually Sith/Soldiers, or some random baker on Dromund Kaas. :p I kind of find it difficult to believe that any Jedi who aren't all ready dancing dangerously close to the edge of falling would sit down and be convinced, "Hey, sometimes you have to exterminate billions of innocent people in order to save billions of innocent people.


Actually, I can see easily enough how it might happen. The lure of killing a few now to save a lot later is much more desirable during conflicts than we might think. Saying nothing about easy it can be to turn a race/group into a scapegoat.

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