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<Spaceslug> Recruiting Imperials


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Hello all, <Spaceslug> is a newly formed guild seeking new members interested in a core progression raiding team and/or a ranked pvp team. We are looking for players who have experience in Ranked Warzones and early game raiding. Come on in prepared to be active and be entertaining. No exploiting.




We are looking for an Assassin/Juggernaut tank, a Marauder dps and an Operative healer for our progression team. Raid nights are currently planned for Wednesday and Thursday evenings. We are accepting all other roles as well. Whisper or in-game mail for further details.




PvPers will be put on a short trial to check on play-style, such as awareness and team play. Ranked arenas will be main focus for the lack of open world.


Follow Up


Contact Pvp on the Empire via In-Game Mail or by whispering me.

Or through Olivianas on the Republic.


Take Care!


Edited by ThaliaCzar
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