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<Spaceslug> Recruiting Imperials


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Hello all, <Spaceslug> is a newly formed guild seeking new members interested in a core progression raiding team and ranked PvPers. Guild is based off of and seeks past members from the server Spaceslug, players who have experience in Ranked Warzones, and early game raiding (EV-TFB). Come on in prepared to be active and bring an entertaining personality.



Ranked players will need to do a little try out just to make sure you would fit in with guildmates and friends. People who think they are hardcore because of things like dot tabbing and "high" damage will probably be ignored. Ranked matches will not be our only focus but most of it due to this being a PvE server.



Raiders will need to be put on trial as well to check raid awareness and their ability to work with guildmates and friends as well. For progression we will seek out all level 60 content.


Follow Ups

Contact Pvp on the Empire via In-Game Mail or by whispering me.

Or through Olivianas on the Republic.


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