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The REAL Most Powerful Force Users - Rebooted


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Go ahead and name four.


Yoda's was nothing alike, at all. Not to mention Caedus can take his body beyond it's limits and suffer no repercussions.


Oh and turbolasers aren't great, what? Turbolasers have the power to level city blocks in two or three shots, and Caedus absorbed one, that kind of control is as top as it gets.


Starkiller was using oneness and Yoda's feat is superior to Talzin's. Yoda's and Starkiller's tutaminis feats are almost exactly the same, Yoda pressed his Tutaminis to a point where the energy exploded on both himself and Sidious. Starkiller did the same thing but was experiencing oneness as he did it, then he died.


Id need to go through sources to confirm, but why does it even matter? How is Caedus "learning it from the force" different from Bastilla having a natural talent with it?


Traya stabbed herself in the stomach and walked away, it's not unprecedented. Others have endured things that should very well be more painful.


Turbolaser power depends on the size and current condition of the ship that fired it, entirely. You can't put the Turbolaser fire from star destroyers on the level of the one Caedus deflected.


Yoda held Sidious off for 20 seconds, Talzin contended with Sidious for just as long and held off him and Dooku for 30 seconds plus, hers is more impressive.


And when is it confirmed Starkiller taking down an AT-AT is oneness?

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Id need to go through sources to confirm, but why does it even matter? How is Caedus "learning it from the force" different from Bastilla having a natural talent with it?


Traya stabbed herself in the stomach and walked away, it's not unprecedented. Others have endured things that should very well be more painful.


Turbolaser power depends on the size and current condition of the ship that fired it, entirely. You can't put the Turbolaser fire from star destroyers on the level of the one Caedus deflected.


Yoda held Sidious off for 20 seconds, Talzin contended with Sidious for just as long and held off him and Dooku for 30 seconds plus, hers is more impressive.


And when is it confirmed Starkiller taking down an AT-AT is oneness?


Because you don't simply learn Battle Meditation, you either have a natural affinity for it or you don't have it at all, but very powerful Force Users can simply discover it through sheer practice.


Traya stabbed herself in the stomach and was in visible excessive pain, she also lost both of her hands and experienced the same. Caedus lost his arm and didn't even register it, he without warning took Jaina's blade in his gut and his only reaction was to regroup and try to convince her to stop.


Indeed, however the ship that fired upon him was far from small.


Yoda pushed Sidious point-blank with tutaminis and forced an explosion, cutting off Sidious' effort without overloading and dying from the energy, unlike Starkiller with a Oneness amplification. Yoda's defense is a greater display because it is completely without any form of external power and he was taking it point blank, forcing an explosion rather than being overwhelmed.


Starkiller was experiencing oneness whilst dying in the bout with Sidious.

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Sorry for the absence folks, but RL stuff came up and I was distracted, it seems we've gone ahead with the four candidates so to help everyone out I'll post them all together. I think we might have bitten off more than we can chew, so I'll propose we deal with the situation sphere by sphere, starting with Control and working our way down to Alter.


Furthemore once again folks, I'm not looking for rankings, just #4.


Sith Emperor, Darth Caedus, Darth Plagueis & Mother Talzin




Sith Emperor

With his unprecedented knowledge of Sith Magic which he had over a millennia to study the Sith Emperor become an absolute master of transferring his consciousness - able to imbue portions of himself into the minds of others transforming them into Children of his will or a Voice to exact his commands. Most significantly the Sith Emperor was able to augment this individuals with his strength making them very powerful.


The Sith Emperor also possessed powerful Force Concealment abilities, using the First Son - his creation - as a medium to protect the First Son and the rest of the Children from being detected, even from their hosts. The Sith Emperor also presumably possessed impressive Force speed, being able to contend with the HoT in combat.


He was also capable in the use of tutanimis, creating a Force shield to protect himself from a flamethrower.


The Sith Emperor attained immortality through a combination of raw power and knowledge, using his strength in the Force to sustain his body for millenia without succumbing to the corrupting effects of using the dark side. He also able to survive bodily death in a potent form, capable of collapsing a large portion of the Dark Temple, engaging in ritual, performing mass Force Drain and travelling across the galaxy.


Finally the Sith Emperor was able to attain

Darth Caedus

Caedus possessed incredible skill in the ability to manipulate his body which allowed him to dull pain, manipulate blood flow and organ performance, manipulating his body to adapt to the environment and/or wounds. This ability also allowed him to influence others, putting them to sleep or lending them strength. He was also highly skilled in Force healing which he could use to put others in healing trances among other powers. These powers manifested themselves most overtly when Caedus on one occasion had his arm completed severed and on the other occasion was impaled in the stomach, yet it did not seem to detriment him in anyway.


In addition to this, Caedus was immensely skilled in the use of Force cloak to the extent that he was able to cut himself off from the Force itself, even able to change what other Force sensitives would sense when searching for him. His ability was so potent that it fooled Luke Skywalker himself.


Caedus showed his abilities were close to rivaling Luke's when he displayed his exceptional ability in tutanimis, making him able to absorb and redirect Skywakers attacks. Caedus was also able to deflect the force of a turbolaser cannon. Caedus was also a master of Force speed, which he used to school Jedi Battlemaster Kyle Katarn despite being outnumbered and even injure his uncle.

Darth Plagueis

Darth Plagueis was a master of tutaminis. He was able to absorb multiple blaster bolts and turn the energy into bolts of Force lightning that could obliterate the bones of non Force sensitive targets.


His mastery of Force Valor was extreme. During the Maladian attack on the Canted Circle, he suffered tremendous injuries including: a severed trachea, massive blood loss, and multiple stab wounds. The injuries themselves caused the malfunction of two of his three hearts and nearly killed him then and there. Despite these injuries, Plagueis was able to fight on and increase his strength and speed to levels beyond what even some of the greatest Force users were capable of. He was able to drive fists through armored torsos and crush skulls with his bare hands, all of this in a near-death state.


His mastery of Force Stealth was also impressive. He was able to operate on Coruscant and even host conversations with multiple Jedi Masters, each of whom possessing powerful Sense abilities, without being detected for what he truly was.


He was also a capable user of healing techniques. He was able to regulate his bodily functions and heal others. However, his healing could not save those too near death.


Finally, he was a master of midi-chlorian manipulation, essentially the manipulation of the Force’s biological messengers. Through his understanding of the midi-chlorians, he was able to prod them to create life. Indeed, he actually creates zygotes in female creatures and even resurrects the dead. He was also able to kill subjects by forcing the midi-chlorians to return to their source, basically willing the subject to die. He also manipulated his own midi-chlorians by forcing them to replicate, theoretically increasing his own strength in the Force, and even reverse the damage done to his body by attacks and aging, effectively achieving a level of immortality.


The thing to remember about midi-chlorians is that they are vessels of the Force’s Will and possess a collective power that they use to actively resist any attempts to be imposed upon. In order to manipulate them, Plagueis had to effectively defy the Will of the Force as well as overpower the resistance from his own midi-chlorians. This serves as an impressive display of strength in the Force to force not only his own midi-chlorians but the midi-chlorians of his subject as well.

Mother Talzin

Using her knowledge of sorcery, Talzin was capable of bolstering her strength, enough so that she managed to overpower Master Windu in a lightsaber block. She has shown the ability of force flight as well, using it to levitate and fly great distances without respite. She has shown the ability to bolster the physical aspects of anyone she so chooses, turning Savage Opress into a fearsome dark side warrior and remolding Darth Maul's body into a pure physical weapon.


Talzin has also shown the ability to turn herself or others into mere shadows, barely visible to the naked eye. Along with this she has managed to turn her own being into Dust, keeping her spirit together through sheer force of will, and allowing her to traverse Space freely to escape and fight another day.


Talzin has shown unfathomably impressive ability in Tutaminis. She managed to dissipate and hold off the combined Force Lightning of Darth Sidious and Count Dooku for 29 seconds (estimated, though minimum) , after already engaging in a lightning competition for an extended period of time.


Her force barrier (Tutaminis) has also been shown to deflect blaster bolts without a whim.



Sith Emperor

The Sith Emperor possessed impressive telepathic powers, capable of communicating with his disciples from across the galaxy, even if they were unwilling. However he was only able to do this after constructing a prestablished link.


In regards to foresight however the Sith Emperor has shown no ability in this category and in fact required Revan, as a prisoner, to access Force visions - so we can only assume his abilities were lacking in this field, or at least not on par with Caedus. Note that I don't consider his ability to dominate the minds of others as indication of ability in Sense because he does it in an unconventional way, dominating them in the most literal sense simply by overwhelming them with his dark side power - which is a display of Alter, not Sense.

Darth Caedus

Darth Caedus possesses remarkable abilities in Force empathy, and at a young age was able to have conversations with his mother and twin sister with ease, whereas most Jedi were barely able to manage a few words. He was also able to sever these connections when necessary to prevent detection, and block of his mind to make it unreadable even to Luke Skywalker himself. He was exceptionally skilled in the use of Battle Meld, acting as a 'hive mind' for seventeen other Jedi in a heightened form of battle meditation.


Caedus also possessed exceptional ability in foresight, not only was he able to foresee the future and past at will, but was able to actively set the parameters of what he would see. Allowing incredibly accurate depictions of the future. He was also highly skilled in the use of shatterpoint, capable of shattering beskar with ease.

Darth Plagueis

Plagueis possessed considerable powers of foresight prior to be infected by maxi-chlorians, however his ability in that area dulled after that particular event. He was, however, skilled in telepathy and could use his highly developed senses to perceive the midi-chlorians of others. He could also probe the minds of Force resistant species, even Hutts.

Mother Talzin

We do not have much insight into Talzin's sense category in the form of actual feats. She has shown the ability to form talismans that can trace people from across the Galaxy. She managed to locate a single being from across the Galaxy in a matter of seconds when asked to by Master Kenobi and Master Skywalker, an art the Nightsisters called Scrying.


She has mastered the ability of the Blood Hunt, which is being able to sense a person from anywhere by a single drop of blood. She herself totes that she is a master of Divination (Or Heartshadow) which calls forth visions of possible futures. Through this art, she supposedly witnessed the fall of Empires yet to come, and had devised plans to keep the Nightsisters alive until a time when they may once more flourish.



Sith Emperor

His telekinetic abilities were likely highly skilled as at a young age he was able to snap his adoptive father's neck with merely a thought. He was also able to generate powerful Force waves to potent effect against powerful Force users such as Revan who he swept clean off his feet.


He was able to generate exceptionally powerful Force lightning, unleashing storms of dark side energy on his opponents which could instantly incapacitate powerful Jedi. He was also able to charge incredibly powerful blasts of energy which even the most powerful of Jedi were unable to deflect.


The Sith Emperor was incredibly skilled in the use of mind control and on numerous occasions dominated the minds of powerful Force users such as Revan and Malak through sheer strength of will. He was also skilled in the use of Qâzoi Kyantuska which he used to dominate the minds of 8,000 Sith Lords.


The Sith Emperor was also exceptionally skilled in the use of Force Drain, able to strip a Sith Lord of his connection to the Force at a young age. And on top of that showed exceptional mastery over Force Drain via the Ritual of Nathema. He was also constantly tapping in the reservoirs of his disciples and of Revan to bolster his power. Furthermore albeit after engaging in elaborate and extremely complex ritual, the Sith Emperor was able to siphon the energies of potentially billions of subjects when sacrificed to him, from across the galaxy, and planned to use this ability to consume everything.


Its also possible that he was capable of consuming the life force of many within the scope of planet without the need for them to be sacrificed, however it is likely he was only capable of this while in spirit form.


Finally the Sith Emperor was an exceptional master of Sith Sorcery, spending over 1,000 years studying and furthering his mastery over the art. The Emperor’s rituals on Dromund Kaas were capable of warping the planet’s very atmosphere, creating perpetual lightning storms, and he used many arcane rituals to bind individuals to his will and imbue them with his power. He was also capable of summoning potent Force illusions, creating multiple versions of himself when in battle with the Hero of Tython which were able to physically harm him. His most notable accomplishment in Sith Sorcery was when he performed the most complex ritual ever attempted on Nathema, which created the greatest dark side nexus the galaxy had ever seen.

Darth Caedus

At a young age Caedus' abilities in telekinetic manipulation were profound, making him able to use Alter Environment by the age of five. He was also highly skilled in the use of Force choke able to use it on multiple Jedi at once, breaching their Force barrier simultaneously. He was also able to generate powerful Force waves which could blast away tons of rubble and send powerful Jedi flying - even in an injured condition.


He was exceptionally capable in the use of Force lightning, even before becoming a Sith Lord he was able to wield emerald lightning to such an extent that he could paralyse Vong who were supposedly immune to Force powers - and as a Sith Lord his lightning could morph opponents beyond recognition. He was also able to release discharges through his opponents spinal cords to paralyse them completely.


Caedus' abilities in mind control were just as profound, making him able to compel even powerful Force-users to obey him against their active resting will. Caedus also unlocked the ability to use Sith Battle Meditation, making him able to turn the tides of battles and utterly dominate the minds of others.


Caedus was also able to sever ones connection to the Force, most profoundly he used this against Ben Skywalker - the powerful son of Luke Skywalker himself - and then restored the connection with similar ease.


Finally Caedus was incredibly skilled in the projection of Force illusions which were extremely convincing even to Jedi, he could even allow the viewer's mind to decide whom the projection was which allowed him to infiltrate their minds and make them hapless puppets bound to his will.

Darth Plagueis

Darth Plagueis possessed considerable skills in mental manipulation. Even as a child he was able to mentally influence others, even provoking them to suicide. As an adult, he was able to mentally influence others and even project Force-based illusions to deceive others.


Though not often applied, he was skilled in the use of Force lightning. His tutaminis-enhanced blasts could instantly kill targets and reduce their bones to powder. He could even pour lightning into people to kill them with subtlety.


He possessed a mastery of telekinesis. He was easily capable of lifting multiple large objects, or hurling multiple objects with a gesture. Even when being killed by Sidious, he was capable of summoning a telekinetic assault.


However, his greatest feats of telekinesis came in the form of his Force Pushes and Waves. As I discussed in my thread (linked above), Plagueis was able to create massively powerful Waves of Force energy that could replicate damage that an explosive could cause. He was able to throw and ‘all but atomize’ multiple enemies—half a dozen or more—at a time. He was also able to summon enough strength to make the ground shake, throwing down multiple enemies simultaneously.


Plagueis could also summon powerful screams in the Force that could break eardrums of nearby assailants. He was also masterful in summoning shields of Force energy that could deflect attacks from multiple attackers.


Finally Plagueis mere presence was strong enough to alter the weather on Naboo, causing the worst winter they had experienced in a long time, his private island retreat on Muunilist was also transformed into a DS nexus.

Mother Talzin

Talzin's most impressive abilities lie in the field of Alter, in my opinion.


She showed the ability to invade minds carelessly when she took control of Count Dooku, turning him against his former master. She also displayed her talent in Mesmerism when she placed Savage Opress under her command and forced him to kill his only brother, who he loved dearly.


She has shown Telekinetic mastery, not just in raw power but in skill. She has manipulated objects with ease on multiple occasions, and has even levitated the bodies of Savage Opress and Darth Maul while also performing intricate rituals on them simultaneously. Ventress notes that only Shamans like Talzin can manipulate Spirit Ichor due to how difficult it is, and that those who can are never unarmed. This was obviously a taxing art, yet Talzin managed to use it while levitating and controlling an immensely powerful Sith Lord.


Alter yet again came into play against Count Dooku when she attacked him from across the Galaxy using sorcery, appearing even as an apparition to taunt him.


Talzin shows skill in TK by ripping apart and reforming Stone, breaking it down into a molecular level only to build it up again in order to traverse into hidden chambers in her village. She shows the same skill when she transforms gaseous Spirit Ichor into liquid, and then again into Solids.


The clan mother also shows her raw power in the force in the form of the emerald Lightning she wields. She managed to stalemate a Lightning competition with Sidious, burn through dozens of Battle Droids in the space of 4 seconds and even force Mace Windu onto the retreat, fearing her aggressive lightning attacks.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Yoda held Sidious off for 20 seconds, Talzin contended with Sidious for just as long and held off him and Dooku for 30 seconds plus, hers is more impressive.
:confused: Yoda > Galen > Talzin. Talzin died, and on what basis do you reach the conclusion she contended with them for 30 seconds? The comic doesn't give any indication of a time frame so we should be careful when speculating.


Also can we get information on what class of turbolaser/warship that Caedus deflected?

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:confused: Yoda > Galen > Talzin. Talzin died, and on what basis do you reach the conclusion she contended with them for 30 seconds? The comic doesn't give any indication of a time frame so we should be careful when speculating.


Also can we get information on what class of turbolaser/warship that Caedus deflected?


Just read the lines in the comic. This was meant to be a tv episode, but yeh, just read the lines that are spoken while she's using her barrier and it comes to about 25-30 seconds.


This doesn't include at all travel time for the ship that we see appearing, or the fact that Grevious walked over to execute her not ran, and thus probably took a few more seconds.


If you could actually argue that Galen was better than Talzin then go for it, but at the moment you haven't made a single argument against her that was anything other than "nah she sucks tho"


Jaina casually makes a comment about him deflecting Turbolaser fire, then a later passage remarks about Turbolasers parting direction away from them in the sky, but we don't know anything beyond that, at least nothing that I remember.

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Because you don't simply learn Battle Meditation, you either have a natural affinity for it or you don't have it at all, but very powerful Force Users can simply discover it through sheer practice.


Traya stabbed herself in the stomach and was in visible excessive pain, she also lost both of her hands and experienced the same. Caedus lost his arm and didn't even register it, he without warning took Jaina's blade in his gut and his only reaction was to regroup and try to convince her to stop.


Indeed, however the ship that fired upon him was far from small.


Yoda pushed Sidious point-blank with tutaminis and forced an explosion, cutting off Sidious' effort without overloading and dying from the energy, unlike Starkiller with a Oneness amplification. Yoda's defense is a greater display because it is completely without any form of external power and he was taking it point blank, forcing an explosion rather than being overwhelmed.


Starkiller was experiencing oneness whilst dying in the bout with Sidious.


And where is this stated, or is it just pure speculation? Nomi supposedly learned how to use battle meditation, though the truth behind it was that she'd been using it subconsciously.


And? People have been shot with lightning and shrugged it off because if they hadn't, they'd die. You're at the moment listing feats that even Sion has outdone.


What size was it?


Yes, he managed a TK push after being fried from lightning, it's obvious neither had defenses up. And no, Yoda's defenses were overwhelmed, that's stated in multiple sources and I'm happy to go on a quote spamming rampage if you'd like, meanwhile Talzin held off Dooku on top, and shot lightning that shattered Maul's force barriers, only dying after expending massive energy and because Grevious walked through her barriers.

Edited by Selenial
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Just read the lines in the comic. This was meant to be a tv episode, but yeh, just read the lines that are spoken while she's using her barrier and it comes to about 25-30 seconds.


This doesn't include at all travel time for the ship that we see appearing, or the fact that Grevious walked over to execute her not ran, and thus probably took a few more seconds.


If you could actually argue that Galen was better than Talzin then go for it, but at the moment you haven't made a single argument against her that was anything other than "nah she sucks tho"


Jaina casually makes a comment about him deflecting Turbolaser fire, then a later passage remarks about Turbolasers parting direction away from them in the sky, but we don't know anything beyond that, at least nothing that I remember.

Ah I see, very clever, and I plan too, what was more important was that Yoda > Talzin.
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:confused: Yoda > Galen > Talzin. Talzin died, and on what basis do you reach the conclusion she contended with them for 30 seconds? The comic doesn't give any indication of a time frame so we should be careful when speculating.


Also can we get information on what class of turbolaser/warship that Caedus deflected?


Did some digging it was actually a bombardment from a star destroyer that was part of a Chiss task force at the Battle of Snevu. Does this count as the ability in question though? The description is that by holding up his hand he deflected them as if he had a deflector shield, so he is possibly using instead an INCREDIBLE level of TK as his body is not absorbing and channeling the ability?


Also for Caedus I think you omitted his shatterpoint ability...didn't that allow him to break the Star Wars Universes version of adamantium... Beskar. He could also look into the future and past at will in the end. Others could have visions but they were either at random or with GREAT effort. This went to the point that he basically had a Force version of "Spidey sense" in terms of being able to predict the actions of his opponent in combat.

Edited by Ghisallo
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Anyway folks we need to focus on Control, so if we could put all other discussions on hold we can make some progress. I suggest supporters of their chosen candidates put forward arguments for their superiority in this field.


I think Plagueis is superior in control. He has matched and exceeded all of the others in Force Valor and endurance feats, is extremely close to Caedus in Force Stealth, and his mastery of the midi-chlorians is beyond the scope that any of them have achieved in regards to the manipulation of the Force.


His only lacking area is Tutaminis, unfortunately.

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Did some digging it was actually a bombardment from a star destroyer that was part of a Chiss task force.


Also for Caedus I think you omitted his shatterpoint ability...didn't that allow him to break the Star Wars Universes version of adamantium... Beskar. He could also look into the future and past at will in the end. Others could have visions but they were either at random or with GREAT effort. This went to the point that he basically had a Force version of "Spidey sense" in terms of being able to predict the actions of his opponent in combat.

I see, well assuming its an Imperial-class we are talking several gigatons of energy right there, I wouldn't so readily dismiss that such firepower could not rival the force exerted by Darth Sidious lightning, if not surpass it.


My information on Caedus is second hand, I did mention shatterpoint but I was not aware of that, could you maybe provide a source? Just to ensure the feat is valid. I also did add Caedus' foresight feats, which are very impressive.

Edited by Beniboybling
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I think the standard Chiss Star Destroyer is about the size of a Victory-class, but I think, if the event being referred to is what I'm thinking, the shots may have come from an Inperial-class.


What's the source on that? Maybe I can look it up.

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I see, well assuming its an Imperial-class we are talking several gigatons of energy right there, I wouldn't so readily dismiss that such firepower could not rival the force exerted by Darth Sidious lightning, if not surpass it.


My information on Caedus is second hand, I did mention shatterpoint but I was not aware of that, could you maybe provide a source? Just to ensure the feat is valid. I also did add Caedus' foresight feats, which are very impressive.


For Shatterpoint....it was one of the "Legacy of the Force" books. He used Shatterpoint to destroy the Breskar armor of a Mandalorian protector with a "light tap" of the hilt of his lightsaber... I THINK it was "Invincible" but don't quote me atm.

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I think the standard Chiss Star Destroyer is about the size of a Victory-class, but I think, if the event being referred to is what I'm thinking, the shots may have come from an Inperial-class.


What's the source on that? Maybe I can look it up.


Darknest III I think. Worked all night...bedtime now...so passing out lol.

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I think the standard Chiss Star Destroyer is about the size of a Victory-class, but I think, if the event being referred to is what I'm thinking, the shots may have come from an Inperial-class.


What's the source on that? Maybe I can look it up.


Yeh, I think Tune's right it was not Tutaminis, just re read it, the quote:


"Jacen and Tahiri standing back-to-back, Jacen holding his hand above their heads, cannon fire ricocheting away as though he held a deflector shield in his palm. That was something Jaina and Zekk had never seen before. "

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Yeh, I think Tune's right it was not Tutaminis, just re read it, the quote:


"Jacen and Tahiri standing back-to-back, Jacen holding his hand above their heads, cannon fire ricocheting away as though he held a deflector shield in his palm. That was something Jaina and Zekk had never seen before. "

Well assuming he wasn't holding a deflector shield in his arm, what else could it have been?
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Yeh, I think Tune's right it was not Tutaminis, just re read it, the quote:


"Jacen and Tahiri standing back-to-back, Jacen holding his hand above their heads, cannon fire ricocheting away as though he held a deflector shield in his palm. That was something Jaina and Zekk had never seen before. "


That's it. That's the one I was looking for.

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So confused :confused:


I thought he was talking about overall.


But if we declare Plagueis the winner of control, Vitiate sense and Talzin alter, how do we differentiate? But if Talzin was 4th in the other two categories and Plagueis was 2nd, then obviously he'd be higher.



Side note: The "Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Head-to-Head" book notes that Talzin would basically make Plo Koon fall to the floor in insanity with merely a thought, apparently giving him visions of his mask turning to shadows and him suffocating to death.


That, or she actually turns his mask to dust. It's kind of ambiguous.

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