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The REAL Most Powerful Force Users - Rebooted


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1 and 2. Like I said yesterday, I won't be able to get into a debate today, but I should be able to respond Thursday.

3. I conceded to jack, lol. Here's my argument: http://www.comicvine.com/profile/darthant66/blog/revans-raw-power-comparison/97193/. By the way, Yoda failed to Tutaminis Sidious's lightning, they both overloaded at the end according to Junior novel.

BTW. You, Aurbere, and Selenial's logic here is *really* awful. I expected this from you two, but not from Selenial. :(

I look forward to it.


In regards to three, that argument again? I thought already debunked that one, well if I find the time maybe I'll pick up where we left off, because I'm sure you took it as a "concession" because, well, your silly.


The issue is you don't understand the logic being used, your mistakingly assuming this argument theoretical and therefore faults you are leveling at it are irrelevant. But again mud slinging = concession in my books so accepted.

BTW, no one showed me the scan yet of Yoda TKing hundreds of droids in the first place. :\
I linked it in the original post silly, here:




For future reference, if the font my font is white, it is usually linked.

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He lifted a bunch of Droidekas by himself

This isn't as impressive as Revan's TK feats though... asteroids weigh way more.


and pushed around landing craft without aid.

Yeah, and that's the one I deem exaggerated. I love the double-standards though, you and Beni have ones worse then Nephthys. "Oh, Revan's battle in Yavin IV is not an accurate representation of his power because he never showed feats like that before but Yoda TKing CIS Star Destroyers is an accurate representation despite his next best TK feat being pushing some thugs away from a helpless Jedi Knight." This is getting embarrassing now. :rolleyes:

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This isn't as impressive as Revan's TK feats though... asteroids weigh way more.



Yeah, and that's the one I deem exaggerated. I love the double-standards though, you and Beni have ones worse then Nephthys. "Oh, Revan's battle in Yavin IV is not an accurate representation of his power because he never showed feats like that before but Yoda TKing CIS Star Destroyers is an accurate representation despite his next best TK feat being pushing some thugs away from a helpless Jedi Knight." This is getting embarrassing now. :rolleyes:


Calling us on double standards when you are using them right now.


Yeah, I think this discussion is over.

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Calling us on double standards when you are using them right now.


Yeah, I think this discussion is over.


lawl, what double standards am I using? This is so amusing. The fact I am saying OCW is exaggerated is a DS? LOL.

Edited by MarcheseAMM
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This isn't as impressive as Revan's TK feats though... asteroids weigh way more.
Fraid not, you must have missed this from the OP:


And for the record, a single C-9979 landing craft has a cargo capacity of 1,800 tonnes, and but a hundred droidekas (we see Yoda manipulate hundreds if not nearly a thousand) would represent 7,500 tonnes. Many times the mass of any one asteroid that Revan was able to hurl, bearing in mind he only managed to launch one at a time.


Indeed Yoda should have been able to manipulate over well over half a dozen asteroids, if not over a dozen, at once.


Also this: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=7965499&postcount=436


Bearing in mind the asteroids would weight no more than roughly 600 tonnes.

Yeah, and that's the one I deem exaggerated. I love the double-standards though, you and Beni have ones worse then Nephthys. "Oh, Revan's battle in Yavin IV is not an accurate representation of his power because he never showed feats like that before but Yoda TKing CIS Star Destroyers is an accurate representation despite his next best TK feat being pushing some thugs away from a helpless Jedi Knight." This is getting embarrassing now. :rolleyes:
We have a valid basis for assuming they are exaggerated i.e. game mechanics + nexus, you have none. You deemed it exaggerated under the logic that it is not within his power, we have since disproven this. Edited by Beniboybling
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I'm laughing so hard right now I can't even.


Ant, I'm getting real tired of your shtick. I have given you (now) seven warnings to please stop trolling and flaming, yet you continue. My respect for Selenial can only protect you for so long. Continue and I will report you.

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Saying game mechanics are fine but OCW isn't is a double standard tbh.

That's not a double-standard. :| That being said, I really need to go now, I been stalling long enough. By the way, giving an example of Marek tilting a already falling Star Destroyer a couple of feet does not prove Yoda can basically throw around CIS Star Destroyers, unless you are suggesting Riva is a more powerful TK user then Marek. No? Good.


Your argument, to my understanding, is:

Galen Marek can TK Star Destoyers. Logically, Yoda can too. Therefore, his feat is valid.

The flaw is the circumstances behind Galen's feat, and the fact that with your logic, Riva must be > Galen.

Edited by MarcheseAMM
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That's not a double-standard. :| That being said, I really need to go now, I been stalling long enough. By the way, giving an example of Marek tilting a already falling Star Destroyer a couple of feet does not prove Yoda can basically throw around CIS Star Destroyers, unless you are suggesting Riva is a more powerful TK user then Marek. No? Good.


Your argument, to my understanding, is:

Galen Marek can TK Star Destoyers. Logically, Yoda can too. Therefore, his feat is valid.

The flaw is the circumstances behind Galen's feat, and the fact that with your logic, Riva must be > Galen.

No that's not our argument, our argument is that Yoda TKing a pair of landing craft and hundreds of droidekas is feasible considering lesser Force Users have accomplished superior and/or equal feats.


We are not ascribing Yoda feats he has not performed, merely validating those that he's been depicted doing. Also you're the only one who has mentioned CIS destroyers, it appears a misunderstanding, but looks more like straw man.

Edited by Beniboybling
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No that's not our argument, our argument is that Yoda TKing a pair of landing craft and hundreds of droidekas is feasible considering lesser Force Users have accomplished superior and/or equal feats.

No lesser Force wielder has shown to be able to TK landing craft (CIS mini Star Destroyers). Those things are massive. Galen hasn't, at least not at all in the respect Yoda did it. The only one who did was Riva, also from OCW series.

Edited by MarcheseAMM
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No lesser Force wielder has shown to be able to TK landing craft (CIS mini Star Destroyers). Those things are massive. Galen hasn't, at least not at all in the respect Yoda did it. The only one who did was Riva, also from OCW series.
You are calling this a star destroyer? LOL. It weights infinitely less than an SD or a Nebulon, it doesn't even come close to millions of tonnes. The force Marek would have exerted in both instances oustrips this feat.


P.S. Who is Riva? Can't find her on the Wookiee.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Well, I think Tune and Rhyltran agreed with Yoda being #3, but I guess we can wait to see if two people agree or not.


*Nods in agreement*


For number 4, I do believe it would be between Vitiate and Caedus... That ought to be fun to debate...

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*Nods in agreement*


For number 4, I do believe it would be between Vitiate and Caedus... That ought to be fun to debate...


I'm not sure I'd call it fun, but it will be an experience.


But, hey, we met our quota for #3. I guess we can put Yoda in now.

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I'm not sure I'd call it fun, but it will be an experience.


But, hey, we met our quota for #3. I guess we can put Yoda in now.


Figured you knew by now that when I have ...around... my words it basically means a boring sarcastic tone... :rolleyes: I guess I could go back to putting /sarcasm everywhere though. :p


But yes, Yoda seems the best candidate for #3.

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*Nods in agreement*


For number 4, I do believe it would be between Vitiate and Caedus... That ought to be fun to debate...


Does anyone actually deny Vitiate for 4?


The doubt seems to stem from Caedus, I think we could place Vitiate and follow up with the Plageuis vs Talzin vs Caedus debate.

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Does anyone actually deny Vitiate for 4?


The doubt seems to stem from Caedus, I think we could place Vitiate and follow up with the Plageuis vs Talzin vs Caedus debate.

And lets throw in Revan in that mix, supported by the one and only (I won't insult/troll during it, no worries).

Plagueis: Lord Aurbere vs Talzin: Queen Selenial vs Caedus: Peasant Lady vs Revan: Prince Ant.

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Does anyone actually deny Vitiate for 4?


The doubt seems to stem from Caedus, I think we could place Vitiate and follow up with the Plageuis vs Talzin vs Caedus debate.

I think it warrants further discussion, I also believe Aurbere wanted to make a point about Plagueis > Vitiate.


Personally I have my doubts, so yes.

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