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Watchman self healing bug?


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Yesterday while doing pvp on my sentinel watchman spec I noticed that the 1% self healing was not healing me for 1%. it was healing me for 100 hp less than what it should have been. There was another watchman sentinel on the team, but his zen was healing me correctly for 1% of his maximum hp. I guess I am just wondering if this is a common/known issue and if so is there a way to correct it?

thanks for your time.

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Well I did a semi test. I had a guild person on their sentinel heal me while hitting the training dummy on my ship and while dueling me. On the dummy we were both healed a little over 1% each tick. Then we dueled. There was a huge difference. Her healing decreased by about 130 hp per tick (she has 0 expertise) while mine decreased by about 50 hp per tick (I have 2018 expertise). So unless I'm really misunderstanding the tooltip no matter the situation I should be getting back the same health. Hopefully this get addressed in 3.1.1 :(
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