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Boltstorm animation needs improvement


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I'm not fond of the Boltstorm animation.


Rather than charged plasma bolts, it looks like a swirling wave of ignited Kix cereal. Boltstorm's sound-effect is great, but the animation doesn't even look like its from Star Wars - it's more like something out of another MMO.


Commando Gunnary has been my preferred spec for around two years. I don't want to change, because I like to play it. But the Boltstorm animation is tough to look at and has made me consider the switch to Assault Specialist.


I would love to swap-out Boltstorm for Full Auto without the dps loss, if possible. But I'd really love to see a Boltstorm animation that actually looks like charged plasma bolts.


EDIT: The same is true for Vortex Bolt. Why the swirly, sparkly animation? This is Star Wars.

Edited by Delta_Fixer
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I have to agree. I've been trying to decide on Commando vs. Vanguard for a couple days now - it's the last class I need to level up for the legacy class buff - and seeing YouTube videos of Boltstorm in action pushed me into Vanguard without looking back. It looks like magic, not blaster fire.
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