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Returning after a year off... what's good? :)


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So I'm returning to the game after a year off, and it seems like it's still close enough to the release of the expac that sites are still catching up on builds and things like DPS rankings. While I have a gunslinger and a scoundrel up closer to level cap, I want to focus on a Jedi class because I think that will be more fun in dealing with the Revan situation than a non-Jedi class... at least from a flavor perspective.


I have a sentinel and a guardian in the mid-20's, so I'm not saving much time going one over the other and I'm leaning toward the sentinel right now because I remember there being some interesting synergies that required some nuance and skill while playing but could pay off well with some nice supplementary healing effects which is always nice in PvE. I enjoy PvP and do the daily and weekly quests when I play, so PvP viability is a factor I'm considering. I also have a Sage at level 27 that I've been messing around with over the last few days, but the class quest just isn't doing it for me. I'm about to get to Tatooine and while I enjoy the class mechanically, I find it lacking in that there aren't enough opportunities to swing my lightsaber, and the knight story was just so much more epic early on. So Sage is out, I think.


So what I'm asking here is which path has the greater DPS potential, and which talent tree (which look very different from when I last played) should I be looking into? If there's a good guide site that can answer all of my questions that I can dig through, that'd be great. When I do a google search, most of the threads and sites that pop up seem to be outdated. Maybe my google-fu is weak.


So what advantages do sentinels have over guardians these days?

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