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Thinking about moving to BC from The Ebon Hawk.


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Came back to the game a couple of weeks ago, and thinking about playing on a new server. I've always been on TEH, but the community seems toxic and I'm kind of tired of dealing with it and the sheer levels of stupidity and immaturity (Imperial side especially).


What is Begeren Colony like? Is the market active and healthy? I usually stick with the Imperial faction because I have a soft spot for playing Bounty Hunters. :p

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There is a thread floating around that was written by one of our resident Operatives (<3 u Cavy. Call me) that gives really good info on us. To sum it up though: tight knit community, handful of serious progression guilds with more trying to break into it. Most notable PvE Guilds being Dark Hunters/Tomb of Sorrows, Don't Worry Bout It, Organized Chaos, Ashen Order, Dark Clan Warriors, Sponsored by Giradda(?), NiM Ops,Synovian Empire is trying to break into it I believe.


Our PvP side leaves a bit to be desired. There are good players, but also godawful players (That Zuhara guy <3). Solo ranked has been happening a lot more, but team ranked is mostly run by Infamous (Pub) and SickTwistedIndividuals (Imp, AKA - STI). Other guilds run teams, such as Deadly obsession, Grim determination, Exiles, etc. But those two are the main two in group ranked.


Our economy, with it being a smaller server is.....well, overpriced at times. I've been to POT5 and Harb and this server is by far the most expensive. You can make a lot of money, but you can spend it just as fast. Crafters thrive here. One of our top, if not our top crafter Impside, Aztul is usually one of the first people to have access to new craftable gear/mods; so if you need anything at all he's the go to guy.


In closing, there's jerks just like every other server, but the community here is amazing imo. I've moved my main toons to other servers and they always end up back on BC. It's home.

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Yes, BC is a great server full of really nice and respectful people. There are a couple people you should whisper once you move to BC. Okiko, if you ever just want to chill. Eelum, if you ever need help with your class for PvP he's really good at that. Just say hi in gen chat and we'll take care of you.
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Came back to the game a couple of weeks ago, and thinking about playing on a new server. I've always been on TEH, but the community seems toxic and I'm kind of tired of dealing with it and the sheer levels of stupidity and immaturity (Imperial side especially).


What is Begeren Colony like? Is the market active and healthy? I usually stick with the Imperial faction because I have a soft spot for playing Bounty Hunters. :p


Lol if your looking for maturity DO NOT transfer to imp side over here

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Yes, BC is a great server full of really nice and respectful people. There are a couple people you should whisper once you move to BC. Okiko, if you ever just want to chill. Eelum, if you ever need help with your class for PvP he's really good at that. Just say hi in gen chat and we'll take care of you.


so mean, dudes gonna transfer back instantly.

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Yes, BC is a great server full of really nice and respectful people. There are a couple people you should whisper once you move to BC. Okiko, if you ever just want to chill. Eelum, if you ever need help with your class for PvP he's really good at that. Just say hi in gen chat and we'll take care of you.


lul okiko and eelum forever <3


dont talk to them if you wanna have a good time

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Everything said here is true. I mainly play imp side on my operative and can vouche for both it being subtle and it being absolutely immature.


I WILL SAY that I do have my own merc over on TEH and will admit that BC Imp side looks like heaven compared to their maturity level. I globalled one guy (15k heatseeker into 5k ticks on blazing into 12k railshot, gg?) and he starts alt hopping rage whispering me, asking for my address, telling me to meet him IRL so he can kill my "cancelled abortion ***". TEH has a HORRID imp community. BC can get bad from time to time but that is only when that ONE PERSON, and it always only takes one person, to start running their mouth (most here have done it before) and it blows up.


Xenoph has it in the right perspective. Have an amazing PvE scene and our PvP scene CAN be good depending on who is on.

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I've noticed it's mostly imp side with a lot of bad sportsmanship, I get randomly emoted and insulted by people in my games. I never know who they are or why so it really doesn't bother me. It's a really nice server, decent sized ranked community (preseason don't know how long that will continue) and a large amount of progression teams as far as I've seen.
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