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thought about the force


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I dont wanna go on a long rant here, just want to ask a very hypotetical question with parallels to our own society and the religious extremist killings in various countries.

If you look at the force users in the history of the sw galaxy there has been some quite terrifying beings, namely Vitiate, Nihilius, Palpatine etc

Wouldnt some argue then that the best way for the galaxy to survive it so either exterminate or control force users and their powers with the force. With these kinda controls in place, perhaps some of the darkest periods of the sw history might have been avoided and lots of lives would be spared. But would that justify the means, would killing innocent children be justified in that you save maybe millions if not billions of lives with the resurgance of new dark side jedi/sith?

I find it interesting there hasnt been more stories revolving around prejudice and fear of the force, in the same way as fear of mutants in the X-Men universe.

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I dont wanna go on a long rant here, just want to ask a very hypotetical question with parallels to our own society and the religious extremist killings in various countries.

If you look at the force users in the history of the sw galaxy there has been some quite terrifying beings, namely Vitiate, Nihilius, Palpatine etc

Wouldnt some argue then that the best way for the galaxy to survive it so either exterminate or control force users and their powers with the force. With these kinda controls in place, perhaps some of the darkest periods of the sw history might have been avoided and lots of lives would be spared. But would that justify the means, would killing innocent children be justified in that you save maybe millions if not billions of lives with the resurgance of new dark side jedi/sith?

I find it interesting there hasnt been more stories revolving around prejudice and fear of the force, in the same way as fear of mutants in the X-Men universe.


There are quite a few people who are fearful of the force but trying to root out force sensitives is impossible as they already exist. The problem is there's no "empire" that's strong enough to do this without losing to another super power. Example, say the republic puts a ban on force sensitives and begins to go after them. They'll lose to the republic and the Jedi who do utilize force sensitives. If the republic does it they'll lose to the sith empire. Not to mention there's other force sensitives who have proven to be incredibly powerful as well.


Even if you're the only group that can there is also the problem with the force being about balance. People that are force sensitive act out and follow the will of the force (to a certain extent) and if it's the force's will that sensitives play a huge role you end up in a situation where a chosen one will be born to protect these force sensitives and that'll end badly to those that try to control them. The problem is the pinnacle of force sensitivity allows you to do things like mindwipe an entire planet, destroy starfleets, and more with the force. At some point someone will be born powerful enough to create a rebellion that would collapse that said civilization.


I'd like to point out Palpatine also did this when he was in power. Create fear of force sensitivity and hunt down anyone force sensitive. Either bringing them in as secret inquisitors to continue the hunt or just exterminating them.

Edited by Rhyltran
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